Chapter 93

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Daryls pov

i had to keep my head on straight. All I kept thinking about was my brother is now dead. I couldn't even see cause my eyes were filled with fucking tears! Just wait till I get my fucking hands on Ralph! We ran into the prison, gunfire was coming from everywhere. I tried to find my family, but I seriously couldn't see!

If you would've paid attention merle would still be here. damn it! Stop! Get out of my head! Merle's dead because of you. I felt my eyes get watery again, I couldn't be doing this right now. The gunfire started to slow down and the smoke cleared the air. I watched as Maggie and tyreese ran out out of their hiding spots. My mind was still visioning Merle dying when the sound of Rick yelling brought me out of it,

"where's Carl! Where's Judith! Is everyone alright!"

my body quickly went into panic mode, I ran upstairs without saying anything to our cell. I ran into the dark room over to the cribs. I looked in and saw nothing. My heart shattered. My kids were gone. They couldn't be! I was so mad I punched the wall of the cell hard hurting myself, but i didn't care. Then another thought came to my head. Kayla. Where was she? I quickly ran back downstairs and saw Rick talking to the two. I stormed past him and got into tyreeses face,

"where is she!"

"What the hell you talking bout man!" He yelled back.

i was getting in his face,"where's my wife! My kids!"

Maggie quickly intervened,"daryl listen, carol and Beth have the twins. They are safe and are with Carl and Herschel and Judith. Kayla, Sasha, and Glenn were fighting with us."

that calmed me a little. My kids were safe, but where was kayla?Merle's dead because of you. I quickly shook my head trying to get the picture out of my head. The door suddenly opened and Sasha and Glenn were dragging someone in who was fighting against them. When they got closer they threw him on the ground, but kept guns to his head. I began to shake with anger and rage when he looked at me and smirked. It was Ralph. I froze. The whole scene of my brother getting shot replayed in my head and now my wife was missing. I broke out of my thoughts and charged at the man. I tackled him to the ground and started punching his face in as I let tears fall down my face. This was for me and for Merle.

"you..(punch) killed (punch) my brother (punch) you son of a (punch) bitch!" I screamed.

i saw blood start dripping from his mouth and I unusually was satisfied with it. I was brought back into reality when I felt two arms grabbed me off. I fought against who it was to try to continue beating Ralph.

"daryl you have to calm down!" I finally heard Rick say.

"he killed him! That son of a bitch killed him! I'm gonna kill that ass hole!" I yelled finally breaking out of ricks grasp.

he held me by my shoulders,"you have to get ahold of yourself. I want him dead, but Kayla's still not here. He may be our only chance of finding her"

My breathing slowed and I nodded. He turned back to Ralph who was yanked up again by Glenn.

"Where is she?" He demanded.

"like I would tell you" he smirked.

"you lost here. It's over." Rick said.

"just because I am here doesn't mean I'm gonna give up on givin my friend a nice piece of ass and enjoying himself." He smirked.

"that's my wife!" I yelled about to charge again, but Rick stook out his arm to stop me.

rick walked up to Tom and bent down on his level,"you listen to me you sick bastard. That's my daughter you are talking about. You do not talk about her like that. Now either you tell me where she is now or I promise I will kill you slowly."

I watched rick. Is was a different side of Rick that I've never seen. I was getting impatient with Ralph so I started walking around to search. I heard Rick yelling at Ralph but I ignore him. That's when something caught my eyes. Her gun was laying on the floor by the door leading to the tombs. I bent down and picked it up and then looked at the door. I got a very bad feeling in the bottom of my stomach. I whistled and caught ricks attention. He ran over and saw what I had and his eyes grew angry and worried.

"she's in there" I said motioning for the door.

he nodded and was about to walk in but I stopped him,"no I'll go"

"you don't know how you'll find er" he sighed.

"I know. But that fucker killed my brother, I'm not lettin them kill her" I said sternly.

"whoever you find that has her, kill them." He said sternly.

"plan to." I said and opened the door to the tombs.

i looked back at Rick one last time and we both nodded as he pulled out his gun and he headed back to Ralph. I closed the door and aimed my crossbow listening for anything. That's when I heard a gunshot from the other room. I lowered my crossbow and looked back at the door one last time. Ralph was dead and I hope he was rotting in hell.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now