Chapter 71

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A few weeks later

these last few weeks have been terrible! We've basically just been sitting here waiting for the governor to attack us. We don't know when or where. We are basically like sitting ducks. To top that all off I keep getting sick and I can't get rid of this bug! I'm extremely nauseous and probably throw up at least 4 times a day. Daryl has been keeping an eye on me, along with Rick and Carl. And with those 3 as my guardians, I've barely been Able to leave bed. They won't let me. So now here i am, another day just starring at my ceiling. I took a deep breath when I heard a chuckle come from the door. I turned my head to see daryl standing there, arms crossed smirking. I rolled my eyes,

"can I get out of bed now?"

"ya still been throwing up?" He asked.

i said nothing. I didn't want to say, he was going to win.

"there's yer answer then" he said as he walked over to my bed and sat down on the side of it.

he felt my head for a fever, but just like every day, I didn't have one. He sighed,

"we're goin after him today. Gonna end it. Then when we do I'm gonna find a town get ya some medicine." He whispered.

my heart started pounding with worry. He was going into war without me. He could die today and there would be nothing I could do about it. I quickly tried to sit up, but he gently pushed me back down. I looked at him with tears in my eyes,

"if you're going to kill him, I'm coming too"

"no Kay yer sick. I can't have ya out there, it's dangerous." He said.

"it's dangerous for you too daryl! Please! You know what he did to me! I want to kill him! I want to watch him die!" I cried.

"woah now easy killer." He chuckled.

why was he laughing! This was a serious situation! "Daryl you could die today. This isn't a joke. I can't let you go if I'm not there to atleast try to defend you."

"When i slid that ring on yer finger, I promised to protect you and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to be fine. Rick, Merle, michonne, and some of the new people are going with us."he whispered.

"but daryl.." I started tow whisper, but was cut off.

"ain't changin my mind. Now you best stay in that bed till I come back. If I hear ya were up at all, you'll have me to deal with." He said.

i rolled my eyes," I'm not afraid of you dixon"

"o yea? Ya really shouldn't have told me that" he smirked.

i arched an eyebrow and saw the change in his eyes almost immediately. They went from worried to Lust in the matter of seconds. He forcefully jumped on me, pinning my arms above my head and began kissing my neck. Hard. He bit down on my weak spot as I fought to keep my moans back. I tried to get my arms out of his grasp, I wanted to touch him so bad, but his strength wouldn't let me. He smirked into my neck at my struggle and kept on forcefully kissing my neck. He pulled away and looked down at me. I was breathing hard and looked back into his eyes.

"ya afraid now?' He whispered seductively.

"terrified." I whispered.

he smiled and sat back up to his previous position. I sat up slowly next to him,

"I'm not gonna be Able to stop you am I" I sighed.

"no" he said sternly.

"fine, but you come back to me. Promise me you'll come back."i said.

he looked into my eyes,"I promise." His eyes then went down to my neck, "have fun explaining them"

my hands immediately shot to my neck,"daryl you didn't."

he started laughing,"now everybody will know you're mine"

"the wedding ring wasn't enough?" I sighed.

he chuckled,"alright then take that as my promise to come back"

"you couldn't have promised without leaving a hickey on me?" I whined.

he laughed and kissed me one more time,"I love you"

"I love you too" I whispered.

"I'll bring him back kayla." We both jumped to see rick standing in the doorway.

I smiled as he walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"you come back too ok?" I smiled.

he smiled back,"of course."

"love ya dad" I whispered.

this caused him to smile widely,"love ya too squirt"

i watched as the two began to leave my cell, I quickly said,"hey!"

they both turned to me and I smiled,"make him suffer"

daryl smirked and walked back over and kissed me one last time,

"trust me, he's going to. No one lays a hand on my wife and gets away with it."

I smiled and looked to Rick who nodded. Then both men left the room. I waited for a few minutes and I heard the engine of daryls motorcycle come to life from the outside followed by a few other cars. I listened till I could hear them no more.mi would have to keep my mind on something else for the next few days. I knew daryl could take care of himself, but I opulent help but worry. I know what the governors capable of and that worried the hell out of me. I started feeling nauseous again and quickly ran to the bathroom. I began throwing up and I felt my hair be moved out of my face. I looked up to see a smiling Maggie. I smiled in return and then continues throwing up into the toilet. When I was sure I was done, I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I leaned up against the wall I and looked up to Maggie,who gave me a water bottle,

"I'm getting real tired of this" I said.

"how long this been going on?" She asked.

"few weeks. Guess I got a bad stomach bug" I shrugged.

"you haven't had any fever?" She asked.

"no" I whispered.

she froze for a minute. I looked at her confused,

"Maggie what's wrong?"

"When's the last time you had your period?" She whispered.

my body froze and I immediately dropped the water bottle. I completely over looked the obvious answer she was implying. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I had a period.

"A while" I whispered scared.

"we need to get ya a test" she said.

"I'm going with you. We can run into the next town over. Maggie I don't want anyone to know until we know for sure." I said.

she nodded,"we'll have to go tonight while everyone's sleepin."

i nodded and tried to fight back the tears I my eyes. Maggie noticed and hugged me,

"hey. You have nothing to be worried about. No matter what the outcome is, we will all be here for you."

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora