Chapter 42

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Daryls pov

I was pacing back and forth waiting for Rick to get his ass over to me. When he did I don't know what I was so pissed. He looked worried,

"daryl what happened? What's wrong!"

I said nothing just scoffed and threw him Kayla's locket. His eyes got wide when he realized what he was holding.

"where did you find this?" He asked.

"woods. She's alive. I told ya." I grunted.

"where is she" he asked hopeful.

"saw some tracks. She's alive but we gotta find her." I said.

he sighed again,"daryl this was a great find, but it doesn't mean she's alive."

this enraged me! I started at him like he was crazy! Why is he giving up! This is kayla we are talking about!

"the hell Rick! I got her tracks! She's in trouble we gotta help her!" I yelled.

"you found tracks that may belong to a walker! I can't just send my people out there to find a ghost! Maggie and Glenn are already out getting formula, I don't know who else to send out!" He yelled gripping her locket tighter.

"I'll go." We heard a small voice behind him.

We both turned to see Carl.

"no Carl. I told you to stay with your sister." Rick said and turned back to me.

carl was pissed and grabbed onto his dad and made him look at him," I don't care dad! If kayla is alive and in trouble I'm going to help with or without your permission! She is family! She's protected us so many times! She's my sister dad! Why are you not caring anymore! Why are you not trying to help her!"

I starred, shocked at the smell boys outburst. One problem, Rick was pissed too.

"you think I don't care! I'm trying to protect all of us from getting hurt! I want to believe just as much as you do that she's ok, but we can't! I've lost her and your mom Carl! I can't lose you too!" He yelled.

father and son just starred at each other. I was about to break the silence when carol came in,

"you guys should see this."

we looked at her confused, but followed her into the other room where a dark skinned woman with dreads lay. She has been shot.the hell carol? After about an hour we found out that Maggie and Glenn had been kidnapped by some prick named the governor. Rick was already sending a rescue team which pissed me off. I sat on the perch looking at the KR+DD when Rick walked in,

"we're about to leave. You almost ready?"

"Damn told ya already, ain't goin." I grunted.

"daryl we need you." He sighed.

"ya well kayla needs ya too. Do ya care? No. Hell ya sendin out a search party to get them two, but not for a girl ya claimed as yer own!" I said getting in his face.

"If Kayla's alive she can survive on her own for a few more hours. If she was here she'd want her best friend safe.we get them and then we get kayla." He said.

i grunted, grabbed my crossbow, and heading for the car. If this took too long I was ditching him. My girl comes first. Sorry chinaman.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang