Chapter 92

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Kayla's pov

i tried as hard as I could to fight back, but he was just too strong. I didn't even have a second to grab my knife out of my boot. My vision was fading. Tom continued to beat, kick, and do anything that would cause harm to me. He wanted me not to be able to move so I would be easy to take or he was going to kill me. One of the two would happen and I accepted that. He chuckled at my pain, enjoying this and it reminded me of jack. Tom was like jack reincarnated and it was terrible. I tried to continue fight, but I couldn't move anymore. Tom yanked me up by my hair and forcefully threw me to the wall and I crumpled on the ground. I tried to fight the unconsciousness surrounding me. I lay on the cold, hard ground as Tom towered over me smirking. This was it.

merles pov

we ran as fast as we could back to the prison. Gun shots could be heard which meant we were getting close. We all 3 stopped and starred when we came to the end of the woods. Gates had been broken down, walkers were flooding the yard. The prison had smoke all around it from the gunfire. I looked over to Rick, his eyes were beyond pissed. I mean damn everything we work for is ruined just so some guys can get laid.

"Come on!" Daryl yelled and flung his crossbow off his shoulder and started aiming at walkers. Rick and I pulled out our guns and ran after daryl.

walkers were everywhere! You could about not see em cause of the gunfire smoke. Here we are fighting the living and the dead, but my main priority was keepin daryl alive. We each shot down a good amount of walkers and were headin towards the prison entrance. Walkers were still around us as we made our path. Daryl was shootin em down when I noticed something. Movement came out of the door to the prison. It was a man and he had a gun. He saw us and aimed it straight at daryl, but he and Rick were too busy to notice. This was it. I wasn't gonna break my promise. I quickly threw my gun down and ran to daryl. The man fired the gun as I pushed daryl out of the way. I felt the burning sting as the bullet entered my chest. It became hard to breathe and I could no longer stand as I fell to the ground.

daryls pov

i was busy takin down walkers when Merle pushed me hard, almost causing me to fall over. I quickly turned pissed off,

"Merle what the..." I stopped when I saw my brother on the ground motionless.

Blood stained his chest from a bullet wound. He was shot. He pushed me out of the way. That bullet was meant for me.

"No!" I screamed.

i looked towards the area where he had to have gotten shot from. There was someone standing there and when the smoke cleared I easily could see who it was. Ralph. And he had a sedistic little grin on his face. I fought back tears as I ran and grabbed Merle. I slung his arm over my shoulder and yelled,


he looked over and saw what happened. His eyes grew wide and he ran to help me. He put Merle's other arm around his shoulder and we dragged him to the side of the prison so we were out of gunfire. We layed him up against the building. He was barely conscious and barely breathing. I bent down on one side of him. There was nothing I could do,

"Why did you do that?"

"Made a promise" he said barely above a whisper.

i was confused, but I didn't care. I couldn't lose my brother. I fought the tears as hard as I could but one escaped. Merle was barely breathing though but he chuckled,

"don't go soft on me now little brother"

"shut up" I said wiping the tear.

"ya listen to me good. You take care of those kids. They are gonna need a dad." He said barely breathing.

"Merle" my voice cracked, I didn't want to hear his goodbyes.

"no ya listen. And that girl. My little sis. You be there, protect her. Shes a dixon through and through and the finest piece of ass you'll ever get" he chuckled.

i hesitated and let the tears fall as I nodded. He turned to Rick,

"officer friendly, ur still an ass. You take care of my family" he said.

rick nodded.

"go, kick ass little brother and show these fuckers not to mess with a dixon" and with that he was gone.

i sat there shocked. No he couldn't be gone. I hit his shoulder,



i shoved his shoulder again,"Merle!"

nothing. I couldn't take it anymore I started hitting him, trying to do anything to make him wake up,"Merle!" I screamed through my tears.

i stopped when I felt myself being dragged back by Rick.i fought against him to try to get back to my brother.

"he's gone daryl" Rick said struggling to keep me in his grasp as I fought him.

"no!"I yelled bringing us both to the ground.

"daryl you know what we gotta do" he whispered.

i sat there for a second looking at my dead brother. A new emotion filled me. Pure rage. Ralph was going to wish he had killed me with that bullet. I pushed Rick off of me and picked up my crossbow aiming it at Merle's head. I hesitated and blinked back my tears.

"Daryl, I can do it" Rick whispered, but before he could I shot an arrow through Merle's head. I lowered my crossbow and starred at him.

my own brother was dead. The only member of my immediate family that ever loved me or cared about me was gone. Sure he was a drunk and a drug addict, but he protected me. I would have been lost with out him. I was brought out of my trance when Rick placed a hand on shoulder,

"daryl we gotta go. "

I looked abck back at my brother one last time before I turned and stormed towards the prison. This group has already taken one of my family members away, he's not taking another

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant