Chapter 13

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Later that night, after everyone went to bed, I decided to get up seeing I wouldn't be able to sleep. I had been trying for hours and every time I did all I saw was replays of my dads death, of when we were captured with my cousin, and the face of our attackers. O how I prayed justin was ok. I eventually stopped going out at nights and wavin around my flashlight but I figured tonight I would cause I couldn't sleep anyways. I grabbed a flashlight and walked out of my tent. Everyone was asleep so I walked out to the little pasture by the barn. I liked sitting there, it was calm. I put the flashlight down and turned it on facing the woods as I layed down and looked up to the stars. I became consumed in thoughts of the events that happened tonight. Of the things that also happened in the whole beginning of this outbreak. I should leave this group, it's dangerous for me to be with them. Especially when I felt that old group was lookin for me. I'd seen what they did with others and no one left alive. I was awoken from my thoughts when I heard footsteps behind me. I sat up quickly and turned. Daryl. I quickly calmed down and sent a small smile his way and layed back down.

"What ya doin out here?figured ya were done with that flashlight thing" He asked.

"Lookin at the stars. Thinkin." I replied.

I heard him set his crossbow down and sit next to me,

"what ya thinkin bout?"

He layed next to me and looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, the eyes that belonged to a man I'm pretty sure Im in love with yet also am endangering. I sighed,

"everything. My dad. My brother. And other things."

"What other things?" He asked.

I didn't say anything,but a tear fell down my cheek.

"Ya don't gotta talk about it if ya don't wanna." He whispered.

"Thanks" I whispered.

We were quiet for a few minutes,

"daryl I'm scared."

He looked at me confused.

"Ya got nothin to be afraid of, no walkers gonna get ya." He replied.

"It's not the dead I'm concerned about." I muttered hopefully low enough so I could just hear it.

"What ya talkin bout?" He asked sittin up.

I figured I should tell him about me leaving, I cared about him too much to just walk away from him without a warning. Even if the care was one sided. I sighed,

"daryl I'm leavin."

Daryl's pove

My eyes grew wide at the three words I dreaded to hear. My eyes grew wide,

" the hell ya are!" I was pissed, she wasn't going anywhere.

Kayla's pov

He was pissed, but it's for his own protection.

"Daryl I have to! It's not safe for the group if I'm here! " I yelled back.

We both stood up. Tears were runnin down my cheeks.

"The hell you talkin bout!" He yelled.

I knew I couldn't not tell him why but I was struggling. The memories were painful.

"Why do you care daryl! Huh! A few weeks ago ya told me to leave!" I yelled.

"I don't care! I just don't know why ya played the group!" He yelled back.

"I didn't! I have to leave to keep em safe! To keep you safe!" I was screaming now.

"The hell ya talkin bout! You sound like ya got someone after ya!" He screamed.

He was exactly right. I said nothing just looked at him through my tears. We were both breathing heavy.

"What!" He yelled.

"You remember how my dad died?" I said softly.

"He was bit! What's that got to do with this shit!" He yelled.

"How he got bit. He was rescuing me." I said silently and slid back down into the grass.

He was silent and sat down by me. I didn't look at him the whole time,

"it was me,my cousin kacie, and my dad after we lost Justin. We found this group, came across real nice at first. Was filled with a bunch of men so dad thought it would be safe. Very few women in it. One night the leader, jack and others attacked our tent. Tied us up. Me and kacie were thrown to the side together while my dad was tied and held by others of their men. Jack and two others started beating me and Kace and began."

I started to choke up,

" started touching us and raping us while my dad watched, begging for them to stop. But they forced him to watch. After that they killed kacie, but kept me and my dad alive. We escaped that night and dad got bitten while we were runnin away. While we were runnin jack yelled that he'd find us. Well my dads dead and I know he's probably out lookin for me. Daryl if they find us or this group they'll kill us. I'm weak I can't protect you guys."

I was afraid to look at him and when I finally did, I regretted it.

Daryl's pov

I was pissed, no I was beyond pissed. I was seeing red. I want that mans head on a stick! I want him to beg for his life! God help him if I ever come across him or any of his men. I stood up and stormed to the woods, I had to calm down. I heard her runnin after me yellin my name but I didn't reply. I couldn't get the picture of her at the hands of that man out of my head.

"Daryl please! Please don't be mad at me!" She cried.

Mad at her? Why the hell would I be mad at her! It was that man I was mad at.

"Dammit kayla! Why the hell would I be mad at you!" I yelled.

She looked scared,

"I'm endangering this group! I'm basically putting every man here at stake of watching women they care about get raped or even killed! I'm dangerous!" She yelled.

I was fuming,

" you are not dangerous! It is not your fault! It's just that man! I swear if I find him! He's gonna die! He's gonna know pain! He's gonna beg for me to end it!" I yelled.

"Get in line." She whispered. "But now ya see why I gotta leave. Please tell everyone I'm sorry." She whispered and began to walk away.

I grabbed her arm quickly. She wasn't getting away.

" you're not goin anywhere! You're gonna stay here where I'm gonna protect ya!" I yelled.

"But daryl" she started to say but I cut her off with my lips on hers.

I couldn't take it anymore! She was scared and needed to know she really mattered to us. She began kissing back which surprised me. Did she actually care back? We kissed with such forceness til I pushed her up against a tree without breaking the kiss. We finally came up for air and I rested my forehead on hers,

"nothin is gonna get ya. I'm gonna protect ya make sure ur safe, ain't no one gonna touch ya."

"What about Rick?" She asked.

"I'll talk to Im, I'm sure he'd agree with me."

She hesitated but finally nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked back to our tents.

"Well thank you." She whispered about to go into her tent.

I stopped her

,"hell nah, you're staying with me."

She nodded and followed me to my tent.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum