6. Red Sleepless Nights

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"We never got that far, this helps me to think all through the night. Bright lights that won't kill me now, or tell me how. Just you and I, your starless eyes remain." --- It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Deathwish


Red Sleepless Nights

Sunlight makes me squint as soon as my eyes blink open. I move my hands around, feeling cracked leather beneath me. This isn't the dirt road I blacked out on. This is the backseat of the Trans Am, and I'm alone.

I sit up, but immediately fall back down. My head is throbbing and it hurts to move my left shoulder. I crane my neck to look at the wound and realize my jacket has been removed. A bandage is stuck onto my shoulder, hiding the damage. It's stained pink with blood, but only pink, so the bleeding must've stopped. I slowly make my way into a seated position again, taking my time so I don't collapse again. I search the backseat for my jacket, but it's nowhere to be found. I tug my orange tank top up a little higher over my chest and slide toward the passenger door. It's open and the seat is leaning forward, so I halfway stumble out of the car, falling forward and steadying myself with my palms pressed against the dusty ground.

Someone wraps their hand around my uninjured arm and helps me to my feet. It's Kobra. I throw myself at him, squeezing him tightly. He awkwardly pats my back. "I thought you had died!" I exclaim. "I thought we all died!"

"Korse's ray guns must have been set to stun us only. He did say he didn't want to kill us yet" is Kobra's logical, emotionless answer.

I pull back and smile at him. "Aren't you just the tiniest bit happy to see me?" I wink.

He purses his lips to fight off a smile, but eventually gives in. The slight upward turn of his lips is gone before I can truly appreciate it, however. "All right. Maybe just a little."

I laugh and playfully punch his arm. He winces. "Shit, did that hurt?" I ask worriedly.

He shrugs one shoulder. "Must've landed wrong on my arm when I was hit. It's fine."

"You sure?" He nods. "Where are the others? They're still alive, right?"

"Yeah, they're alive. They're scouting the surrounding area, trying to find out where Korse might have taken Missile Kid. Party told me to stay behind and watch you until you woke up."

My heart, which felt relieved in the seconds after Kobra said Ghoul, Party, and Jet are still alive, clenches back up at his mentioning Missile Kid. We failed her, we all failed her...

Kobra pulls me against his side with one arm and gives me a reassuring squeeze. "She's going to be okay. You know that, right? We're going to get her back." His voice is harsh, and I know he means everything he's saying. So I nod. "Good. Let's take the car and try to round up the guys."

"No need."

While we were having our serious conversation, we were blissfully unaware that Party, Ghoul, and Jet were walking toward us. Ghoul wraps his arms around my waist from behind and sets his chin on my shoulder, pressing his lips to my cheek. "Miss me?"

I chuckle and tap my hand against his face in a weak slap. "How could I not?" I say sarcastically.

Ghoul grins like a madman and steps away, moving better with his ankle, allowing Jet to come forward and lift me up, spinning me around in circles. I squeal and try hitting his arms. "Put me down!" I demand, laughing. He complies. I giggle. "Damn, did you guys miss me that much? I mean, it's not like I was out that long."

"You were unconscious for an entire day. The fight was yesterday. We were afraid you were never going to wake up," Kobra explains.

Party strides toward me and grabs me by the waist, roughly slamming me forward and crushing me against him. One of his arms goes around my lower back while his opposite hand cradles the back of my head, pressing it into his shoulder. He buries his face in my hair. "Don't you ever scare me like that again," he breathes.

Asylum - Danger Days {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora