Chapter 1

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Stark was fidgeting again. He'd been doing it all year. It seemed Natasha wasn't the only one who noticed by the tensing in Steve's hand or the twitch of Clint's eye. He checked his phone. Again. He'd been doing it for months now, getting more frequent each day. Tony's leg started bouncing again.

"For fuck sake, Stark! Stop fidgeting, will you?" Shouted Natasha.

Stark stopped for all of five seconds. Then his hand went to his phone again.

"Ugh! I'm going to get a snack!"

When Natasha got back to the common room where all the Avengers along with Pepper we're, there was a ringing. Tony jumped up quickly and told Jarvis to answer and put it on loudspeaker.

"Hello?" Stark asked, hesitantly.

"Dad" a voice replied.

Everyone except Tony froze. 'Stark has a son?' Was the only thing running through their minds.

"Oh my god, Harry! Where on earth have you been? Jarvis, tell Sirius to get his arse in here right now. Harry, turn the camera on."

A video came up on the tv. It was a boy with messy, raven black hair, emerald eyes that seemed too dull for the kid's age, and aristocratic features. He had blood trailing down his lip and what looked like the beginning of a black eye. He also had a peculiar, lightening-bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. He looked like he was standing right in front of a forest. Then another person walked into the room. He had dark hair down to his shoulders, grey, sparkling eyes and similar aristocratic features to the kid. Related, maybe?

"What, Tony? I'm bus- ... HARRY! Where on earth have you been young man?"

The boy - Harry, apparently - smiled sadly.

"It's the final battle, Sirius. You are now officially the last Marauder. They're gone - Remus, Tonks - they've left their baby, I'm the godfather. This is all that's left of Hogwarts."

The child said this all with tears in his eyes. Then the camera flipped around, you could see the remains of what was once a beautiful castle. Sirius gasped in shock and started crying. Tony looked like he didn't know what on earth was happening. The rest of them hadn't a clue what was going on, but were upset anyway. They could tell Harry was a soldier boy. Then Nicholas Fury stalked into the room with Coulson on his tail.

"Stark! What have I told you abo-" he cut off, staring at the screen. "Why the hell does that look like Hogwarts." He said in a monotone voice.

"'Cause it is. Hey, Uncle Nick."

The picture then turned to face the boy again.

"Harry? What the fuck is going on? And where did all our spies go?"

"It's finally happening - the final battle. Your spies probably went with the ministery."

"The Ministry fell? What the hell has happened?" Nick exclaimed.

Harry smiled sadly.

"I have to hurry, I only have ten minutes left. I love you guys. Dad, you were willing to adopt an abused, scrawny eleven-year-old Sat on a trunk at kings cross station. Padfoot, you offered me a home right after I'd just called you a mass murderer. Would have accepted too if dad hadn't already adopted me. And Nick, you have stood by me through thick and thin, been ten times better than my best friend who walked out on me during the fucking Horcrux hunt. You're the only person I've told my life story to, but then again I still left out a few parts."

Tony had tears running down his cheeks, Sirius was full out sobbing, even Nicholas looked a little misty-eyed.

"You guys are the best family I could ever have asked for. I will forever be grateful. I just ask you this - Andy won't be able to take Teddy in. She just lost her husband, daughter and son-in-law in one go. I want you guys to. Please, for me. I've left a note in my pocket saying that Teddy goes to you. Come collect him in two weeks. If anyone questions you, mention the note. I have to go - two minutes to find Voldemort. I love you guys so much - never forget that. Thanks for giving me a new start in life. Now, this is goodbye. I love you." And with glistening eyes, Harry turned off the phone and put it in his pocket. He walked into the Forbidden Forrest.

At Stark Tower:

Everyone was crying. Even Fury had tear tracks down his face. Sirius and Tony we're sobbing onto each other.

"He's gone... He's dying... He's sacrificing himself for the rest of the world..." Tony repeatedly mumbled.

"He's only seventeen... too young... way too young..." was Sirius' mantra.

Pepper was thinking 'Tony has a son, why didn't he tell me?'

The Avengers Were thinking along the lines of 'Stark has a son. He's father material?'

Fury was bawling on the inside.

Phil Coulson thought 'Fury is crying... He's actually crying!'

For the next week, Tony practically lived in his workshop, Sirius locked himself in his room, and Nick was the snarkiest bastard to ever live.

Then Jarvis called everyone to the common room, saying that it was important.

Fury and Coulson stepped out of the elevator.

"What's going on, Stark." Fury spat.

"I don't know, Jarvis told everyone to come here. Said it was important."

"It is sir," Jarvis intoned " He's coming up now."

"He? Who's -" Sirius started but was cut off as the elevator doors opened.

A man stumbled out, muttering "you are seventeen, not eight. You are at Stark Tower, not Privet Drive. You are loved and welcomed, not feared and hated." to himself.

Then, he must have realised he was being watched, as he looked up.

"Ha-Harry?" Whispered Tony, brokenly.


A/N: Hello! This is my first ever fanfiction. As I said in the description, I don't think it's good, but Thomas has been going on at me to publish it. So here it is! I will update every Friday, please comment, I would love to know your feedback! Thanks!


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