Chapter 8 part 1

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Last time:

He would never admit it to anyone but himself, but he got a warm feeling whenever his father did something small that showed he cared for and loved him. Again, never to be repeated.

After lunch, they watched the memories from summer '95 before having a homemade lasagne and heading to bed.


The next day, Harry was, once again, the first up. He had made bacon and eggs for breakfast with blueberry muffins also on the table for his father. As people started filing in, the noise level slowly rose, everyone waking up quickly with Harry's cooking.

Harry was calm and collected on the outside, but inside, he was a mess. It wasn't the school part that was worrying him, it was the holidays this afternoon. The chitauri invasion was during that holiday. And the next day was seventh year. He wasn't getting any sleep any time soon, not like he got much last night.

"Come on! Sixth year!"

~Insert sixth book/movie here~

When everyone was ejected, Harry was suspiciously quiet. He made lunch purely from muscle memory and even then it was only sandwiches. Everyone was worried about him. It hadn't clicked for any of them that this was exactly a year ago.

When lunch was finished, they headed back towards the pensive.

"Summer before seventh year. Exactly a year ago."

The agents seemed to be the only people to get the relevance. Their eyes widened.

~Insert summer before seventh year including the memory I am about to show you~


Harry was sat in the Burrow's kitchen. It was dinner time. The rest of the Weasley family and Hermione were there as well. Harry felt his phone vibrate. He checked it under the table, paling as he read it.

'You may want to check the news. Turns out Loki is a god with daddy issues, aliens really do exist, and the Avengers initiative has been activated. ~Jarvis'

He nudged Fred's leg and passed him the phone, standing up and loudly announcing that he was going upstairs. He then whispered to the twins that he'd be in their room.

Fred read the text (Harry had given him and George a rundown on muggle technology), eyes widening as he did so. He passed it to George, who had a similar reaction.

They abruptly stood, claiming they were tired and needed sleep.

They padded out of the room, breaking into sprints as soon as they were out of the door.

They found Harry on George's bed, lying on his stomach with a laptop in front of him. "In, throw every locking and silencing spell you know at the door. No one comes in, no one goes out until the live feed has finished." They responded by doing exactly what he demanded and lying either side of him.

They watched the chitauri invasion, Harry on the verge of a panic attack. Then they got to the end.

Iron man was flying straight towards the portal, a nuke on his back.

Harry was now in the middle of a full-blown panic attack - shallow breathing, tears running down his face - and Tony went through. They waited and waited for him to come back. Just a glint of red and gold.

He didn't.

Captain America gave him orders to close the portal. Harry collapsed, a sobbing mess. The twins were trying to console the young man when George spotted something out of the corner of his eye.

It was Iron Man.

"Harry!" he shouted, eyes glued to the screen.

Harry looked up and gasped, seeing the Hulk grabbing his father out of the air.

He watched them rip off the faceplate, heart stopping at the sight of his unresponsive father.

When the Hulk roared, causing Tony to come back to the land of the living, Harry collapsed in relief, crying himself to sleep in five minutes.

The twins stayed by his side, rubbing his back and consoling him, falling asleep not long after he had.

~end memory~

When everyone was ejected, Harry headed straight to the kitchen, banning everyone else from entering.

Stark groaned. "Oh god, his insomnia is worse than mine. He is not coming out until tomorrow morning unless he fills the kitchen, then he'll go find something to blow up."

Steve's eyes widened. "That's happened before?"

"It's happened within two hours. So yeah, we are screwed."

One hour later, Harry James Anthony Potter-Stark was found opening the kitchen door, sprinting down the hall towards the elevator.

When he was gone, the other residents walked hesitantly towards the door, staring in awe at the contents of the room.

Every single surface in the room was covered in baked goods, from cake to trifle to souflé. Harry had even conjured a whole load of shelves to store them. They didn't even flinch when loud explosions were heard from downstairs.

They eventually came out of their stupor, only for each of them to pick up a delicacy and headed to the common room to watch a movie, knowing they wouldn't be able to sleep with the noise Harry was making.

The noise didn't stop for five hours when Jarvis informed them that Harry had apparated out.

He also said that if he was human, the smirk on his face would make him run for his life.


Harry appeared outside the wards for the Weasleys at 4 am (GT) and strolled up to the house, knocking on the front door.

Mrs Weasley answered after a minute. "Oh, Harry dear! How are you? Come in, come in!"

Harry kept his 'golden-boy' mask up, replying with "I'm good, Mrs Weasley. Sorry it's so early, I haven't been able to sleep too well lately and thought I'd pop round for a visit. I didn't even notice the time. You go back to bed, I can read a book or something. Who's here?"

"Oh, thank you, dear. The whole family's here, including Hermione. There is a bookcase in the front room if you want to have a look."

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley."


A/N: Hey guys! I gotta hurry, it's pretty late and I need sleep. Turns out, I got the highest results in my maths test in my class. Second set. I'm so happy! I also got 81% on my music mock. Anyway, please rate and review, I love feedback. See you next week!


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