Chapter 10 part 1

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Last time

Everyone slowly backed away, Bill grabbing the children, and as soon as they were out of the room, sprinted as fast as they could from the three pranksters, who were lying on the floor in hysterics in the common room.


For the next two weeks, Harry was frantic preparing for Thanos. He rushed around dawn 'til dusk, conversing with Hela, sketching out battle plans, and just overall panicking. Then, he got the news.

"WHAT? nononononono, I'm not ready! I can't do this! How long will it take him to get here?"

"He will arrive in about three days. Harry, you are fine. You have amazing strategies and all the power to back it up. You have good support and don't forget, I will be rooting you on the whole time!"

"But it's Thanos! He's going to bloody torture me to insanity! Fuck, I can't die, so he'll keep me as his fucking PET and torture me in his basement -"

"HARRY!" Hel shouted. He paused, staring at her. "Stop letting your imagination run wild. You'll be fine. Now, do you want to go tell your family or not?"

"Of course, of course, thank you so much Hel, you've been amazing." He quickly gave her a hug and ran off, telling Jarvis to gather everyone in the common room as he did so.

"What's up, Harry?" Tony asked, walking into the room with Bruce at his side. They leant against the wall. Everyone was already there, waiting on the two to come up from the labs. "What is so urgent? We were on a scientific breakthrough! They were goi-"

"We have three days." Harry blurted out, cutting his father off mid-sentence. "Until Thanos comes. He has just left his home"

Everyone froze. "Ho-how do you know this?" Thor asked.

"The Master of Death told me. He got it from Hela. Oh, and by the way, she says she will be rooting us on. But anyway, THREE DAYS, PEOPLE! We need to prepare NOW! We are so screwed. Fuck... Everyone's gonna die, I'll be-"

'Imagination!' Hel spoke through their link.

"Okay... okay... is everyone prepared?"

"Pretty much. All we can do now is wait." Nick replied, marching into the room.

"Great... great... patience... No, I can't do this. Who wants to see the strategies?"

Nick nodded, the rest following. Harry led them to the room he'd been using as a study. They all (except Harry) gasped. Books lines the walls, a range of wizard and muggle, a dark oak desk sat facing away from the window which faced the park. A royal chair sat behind the desk. Papers layered the desk, different sketches and plans drawn out onto each. No one had ever been allowed in Harry's study.

"I like what you've done with the place." Tony commented, hiding his awe. Harry picked up on it and sent him an amused smile.

"Thanks. Anyway, this is how it's gonna go. You guys will..."

They discussed plans for the next few hours before splitting up to go to bed.

The next few days, no one saw Harry, though they all heard the explosions he made.

Harry looked up to the sky. He noticed something no one else could see. He apparated to the common room, where the Avengers were gathered.

"It is time."


A/N: Cliffhanger! Sorry, this is so short, but I've just had my braces done, it's my granddads birthday next week and i literally haven't planned this chapter. This was all off the top of my head. But anyway, please rate and review - still loving that feedback! I will see you next week with the next update. Goodbye!


the secret son - a harry potter avengers crossover.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora