chapter 11

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Last time

Tony simply glared and started dragging him to the quinjet so they could go home.

The other Avengers followed, smiling sympathetically at the teen.


When they got back to the tower, Tony dragged his son off, guiding him to the front room of his floor. He lightly pushed Harry onto the sofa before pacing a few feet in front of him. He paused, turning to face him.


That simple word nearly broke Harry's heart. It was said with so much sadness and vulnerability. It made Harry wince, a guilty feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

"I was the only one able to." he replied in a soft tone. "I can't die, either, I mean, I can get hurt, but if it's too much damage, I will go into a coma until my body has fixed itself. There's honestly no need to worry, dad."

"But I do worry!" Tony exclaimed, walking forward to gather his son in an embrace. "You're my son! What if one day that malfunctions? You'd be dead and I can't deal with that! And seeing you hurt is horrid! I love you too much not to worry." By the end of his tirade, Tony had tears leaking onto Harry's shoulder. Harry soothed him, whispering assurances into his ear. They stayed there for a while, Tony finally crying himself to sleep. Harry had a faint smile on his face, a warm feeling from the little speech his father gave. When he realised he was the only one awake, he placed a feather-light charm on Tony, lifting him up to take him to bed. Harry sat with Tony for a few minutes, gently raking his fingers through the messy hair his father now had, before slowly falling asleep.

Harry woke up to a whine. As he gradually came back to his senses, he felt thrashing next to him. The memories of what happened last night came back a few seconds later. He quickly sat up, turning around to face his father. Tony was rolling around, mouth open in a silent scream, back arched. He looked to be in extreme pain, tears trickling down his face to gather in a patch on his pillow next to him. Harry rushed to gather his father in his arms, rocking him and whispering soothing words in his ears. "Come on dad, you're fine, you're at Avengers Tower, I'm right here for you, shh shh shh..."

Tony shot out of his dream with a scream of "No, Yinsen!" and collapsed into his sons' arms, a sobbing mess. Harry kept up his mantra, still rocking back and forth. Tony gradually calmed down, eventually breathing calmingly and wiping his eyes.

"Hey, you better?" Harry asked softly.

Tony nodded his head, whispering a hoarse "Thanks."

"Hey, it's okay. You know I'll always be here for you."

Tony ducked his head, a small smile gracing his face. "Go on then. Go get washed up and we can go downstairs." Harry exclaimed.

A few minutes later, everyone was gathered in the common room. "So, Harry. Gonna tell us why you were up against the bad guy alone? And how the fuck you WON?" Nick ordered, looking extremely agitated.

"Heh, umm, yeah, I'm the Master of Death, and I'm immortal, so I kinda can't die..."

Nick stared for a few seconds before sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nope, I don't want to know."

"Great! 'Cause I don't want to tell!" Harry cheered falsely.

"Harrrrrryyyyyyy..." Tony started, facing his son.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaad..." Harry replied, exasperated. 

"I'm boooorrrreeed."

"Then find something to do!"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, just pick something! Stop complaining!"




"I said no!"


A/N: AAAANNNNNDDDDD I'M DONE! I am so sorry this took five weeks! I was on holiday with no wifi then I was shopping for school supplies then I was AT school then I was puking my guts out... but hey! I've finished the book! I'm proud of myself! Never thought I'd be able to do it. Anywho, please rate and review, love the feedback. I'm in the middle of writing a one-shot HP batman crossover, probably posting it on Sunday. See you then! Thanks for sticking with me through all this! Bye x


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