Chapter 6 part 2

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Last time

They decided to go out to a restaurant tonight - the Avengers all voted shawarma. It wasn't for another hour. Harry went out to the balcony to watch the sunset.


He felt their presences before he saw them. Tony Stark and Nick Fury - the two most inquisitive people on the planet. Not good. He saw them eyeing him after the 'Master of Masks' comment from Steve. They were suspicious. Not good - definitely not good.

"Harry?" Tony asked softly.


"You know what we want to ask. Just answer."

Harry sighed. "Fine," he growled. "I constantly wear a mask. The only time I ever show any real emotion is here and with the twins. When you're you. When you and the twins crack a joke, dad, or when you are way too overprotective but it warms me anyway, Nick. I want to stop, but I will never be able to. I want to be me, just Harry. The only problem is, I've spent so long with my masks, I don't know who 'just Harry' is." Harry exclaimed, tears leaking from his eyes.

Harry composed himself, wiping any emotion from his face. "I forgot to mention, Fred and George will be bringing Teddy at the end of the week. He is my responsibility."

He then pushed past his father and surrogate uncle, doing a fast walk to get to his room. There was still half an hour until they needed to be at the restaurant, and Harry needed a nice, relaxing bubble bath.

On the way to the shawarma restaurant:

Harry walked at the head of the group, making a pathway through the sea of people for the large crowd of Stark Tower residents behind him. 

When he got to the shawarma restaurant, he froze. He froze so suddenly that Natasha bumped into his back. He stared at the plot of land situated to the right of the restaurant. 

'The Leaky Cauldron'.

Harry closed his eyes, counted to ten, then looked again. 

Nope. Still the same.


"Yes?" Tony replied warily.

"What is that building?"

"Uuh... a closed down old clothes shop..."

"Sirius? What about you?"

The only response he got was a sharp inhale. Harry closed his eyes and groaned, turning towards his godfather.

"Sirius, Europe and America were affected as well." Harry exclaimed, a pained expression adorning his face. "We are also where many from the UK migrated to."

Everyone could tell that Sirius was trying his best not to laugh. He was failing amazingly.

"Umm, Harry? What are you talking about?" Tony asked, questioning his friend and son's sanity.

"What have I told you about Wizarding entrances?" Harry asked, pained expression evaporating and placing his 'Golden boy' mask precariously on his face as he noticed the door open.

"They are always... closed... down... shops - that's the wizard alley isn't it."

"Yep, that's Horizont Alley. And it just so happens that America also knows about me. And idolises me."

As Harry said this, the group coming out of the Leaky Cauldron - which just so happened to include an extremely famous reporter - noticed him.

"Don't speak unless spoken to. Do what I do." Harry demanded out of the corner of his mouth, a hint of hostility shining through.

The wizarding group gasped, the reporter getting a gleam in his eye that Harry definitely didn't like. They headed towards the-boy-who-lived, the reporter getting a notebook out as he went.

"Lord Potter-Black! Lord Potter-Black!" they shouted. The reporter got to him first.

"Lord Potter-Black, would it be okay if I asked you a few questions?"

"Sure," Harry answered, smiling his 'Golden boy' smile, "but shall we do it inside the Leaky Cauldron? I don't think this is how we want the muggle world finding out."

It was here that the current residents of Stark Tower realised that Harry really was the Master of Masks. No one could see through the current one, and the transaction from the pained expression earlier into this mask was smooth - it was flawless.

"Of course, Lord Potter-Black." the reporter said professionally.

Harry grabbed his father's hand, who grabbed Bruce, who grabbed Steve, who grabbed Thor, who grabbed Clint, who grabbed Natasha, who grabbed Pepper, who grabbed Phil, who grabbed Nick, who grabbed Sirius. He then proceeded to lead them into the Leaky Cauldron and enlarged a table to fit them all around. The reporter and his friends followed, glancing questioningly at the 'tag-alongs'.

After the questioning:

"Thank you, Harry, Mr Stark. Do you want me to owl you a copy when it is published?"

"Please. Hey, do you think you could owl a copy of the interview to the Quibbler back in England? I want them to know what I think." 

"Of course, Harry. I will get right on it."

"Thank you." Harry exclaimed, honestly.

"Excuse me, Lord Potter-Black?" one of the reporters' friends asked.

"Yes, Mr...?"

"Collins. Jason Collins. Do you mind if we get a signature?" Jason asked, fidgeting with his shirt.

"Of course not." Harry held his hand out to Tony, who got a sharpie out of his pocket to place in it. Harry signed his name on each of their pieces of parchment. 

When he was done, he waved goodbye to the group and went to the shawarma restaurant next door. 

They ate there and watched 'It' when they got home.


A/N: Oh my god, I am so sorry! Turns out, it was mock week for my year at school. Monday I had English, Tuesday Music and Maths (non-calc), Thursday Maths (calc) and today History. I also have another English on Monday, supposed to have Biology and English on Wednesday, and Chemistry the 26th. I leave for Munich on my History trip on Monday at midnight, which I still have to pack for, and get back late on Friday. So I will do a filler tomorrow or Sunday which is just the Newspaper report and I'm going to have to update again on Saturday instead of Friday this week. So yeah, hectic week ahead, hectic week behind. But I promise I will do a filler this weekend, you are welcome to bombard me with comments to get my attention and remind me. I have now put an alarm on my phone as well to remind me every Friday. So I (hopefully) won't forget again! Yay! Anyway, please rate and review, we should all know I love feedback by now! I will see you later. Love you!


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