Chapter 10 part 2

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Harry looked up to the sky. He noticed something no one else could see. He apparated to the common room, where the Avengers were gathered.

"It is time."


The effect these words had was instantaneous.

Everyone jumped up, rushing to put their suits on. Natasha was on the phone with Fury, who, from what could be heard from the other side of the room, was not happy. As this happened, Harry slipped out of the room, donning an old black cloak. He pulled the hood up, charming it so the shadows would constantly hide his face. His eyes glowed a luminous green, sparkling with raw power that he constantly hid. He did a special form of silent apparation to the edge of the street where Thanos was heading. He slunk back into the shadows, content with watching until he was needed.

He watched.

He watched as the quinjet holding the Avengers landed, the ramp lowering to let the occupants out. He watched as they spread into a line, going horizontally across the road. He watched as Thanos' chariot came closer and closer.

"Thanos! Do not come any closer! Turn around now!" Thor thundered.

Thanos came closer still, eventually setting his chariot down in front of the Avengers.

"And why would I do that when there is a whole new world to kill? She is my soul mate - she just doesn't see it yet. So no! You will be my courting present! She will love me!" he screamed, living up to his name as 'The Mad Titan'. He raised his hand, gauntlet on fist, and was just about to attack.

"I don't think that would be such a good idea."

Thanos paused, looking around for the owner of the voice. Harry stepped out of the shadows. "You see, Hel reaaaaallllyyy likes this world. It has her best friend on after all. She wouldn't be very happy if you destroyed it."

"Oh, and who is her best friend?" Thanos sneered.

"Me." Harry replied simply. "Oh, and she's mentioned crushing on someone from here. But has expressed extreme dislike for you. Okay, understatement. She hates your guts and wants you to rot in hell."

Thanos' face twisted into a snarl as he raised his fist. As soon as he noticed this, Harry attacked. Attack! Attack! Jump! Duck! Spin! Attack! They duelled, paying no attention to the ongoing battle around them. Chitauri were fighting the Avengers - again. Though these seemed slightly more skilled than the last ones.

"BOMBARDA!" was roared. Everyone froze, watching Thanos be thrown back. He hit the wall hard, moaning from his slumped position on the floor.

Harry slowly walked forward. "You know, it was a big mistake coming here. One you must pay for with your life."

"Who are you to decide my fate, human." Thanos spat weakly.

"I am technically not human. Not since I took up the title 'Master of Death'. I decide your fate because I have control over the dead and near dead. Your time has come to an end. Oh - there's also the little fact that I have a folder from death about you. In big writing on the front, it says 'if found, kill immediately, or at least as soon as possible. I hate him, the perv!' So yeah, your dead. Any last words?"

Thanos spat in his face and tried to teleport. He failed.

"Wards are amazing creations. Bye!"

The next thing he knew, his head was being chopped off with a sword that looked - quite majestic actually.

"Phew! That's that done." he exclaimed, wiping his hands on his cloak. He turned, only to see everyone staring at him. "Umm... hi?" The chitauri gave loud angry screeches, changing their target to him. Harry simply banished them to where they came from.

"Jesus Christ, how powerful are you?" Tony shouted out.

"Umm... extremely? Apparently. I don't know, haven't been MoD for long. Just happened this year, actually."

"Wait! You sound familiar..."

"Huh, do I?"

"Yes. Where do I know you from.... ummm.... uuhhh... AHA! Harry James Anthony Potter-Stark!"

Harry winced, pulling the hood down. "Hey, dad..."

Tony then went into a half an hour rant about how he shouldn't have done that and how he could've been killed and how he is 'grounded for the rest of your life, Mister!'

Harry then decided to cut in. "Dad! I was the only one who could defeat him! And I'm immortal. Kinda hard to die when you can't."

Tony simply glared and started dragging him to the quinjet so they could go home.

The other Avengers followed, smiling sympathetically at the teen.


A/N: omfg I am so sorry! On Friday I started typing it out but then my brother dragged me down to watch a movie and I completely forgot until I came on wattpad to check something and noticed I hadn't updated. I repeat - so so sorry! Anyway, please rate and review - love feedback. See you on Friday - hopefully. Not sure, I'll be on holiday so.... yeah. Byeeee!


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