Chapter 8 part 3

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Fred chucked the phone to Harry before running upstairs, the other Weasleys following him.


As they packed, Harry dialled Tony's number.


"Hey, dad. We have a few extras staying. Think you can get some rooms together?"

"Yeah, sure. How many?"

"Uuh... six. We're also going to need a crib in one of the rooms and one in mine, too. Think you can do that?"

"Sure, I'll get J to sort it out."

"Cool, thanks dad." he then whispered, "I'll send you guys the video in a minute."

"Okay son, see you soon, yeah?"

"Yeah, see you soon dad." and he hung up.

Fifteen minutes later, they were once again gathered in the kitchen, belongings surrounding them. Everything was shrunk and placed in Harry's pocket. They then filed out towards the edge of the wards.

"We all need to be connected, at least one of you touching me."

The twins went either side of Harry, Bill and Fleur to the left of Fred with Victoire in Fleur's arms, Charlie and Arthur to the right of George, and Teddy stayed in his godfathers' arms.

Harry focused hard on the nearest alleyway to Avengers Tower, turned, and with a distinct 'pop', they were gone.

They reappeared with another 'pop' signalling their arrival, two buildings down from their current home.

As they walked out, the Weasley's all gaped at the tower in front of them. It was colossal! They followed Harry in, through the lobby, into one of the elevators along the back wall.

"Master Harry, what floor would you and your guests like to go to?" Jarvis asked once the doors were closed, making the large Weasley family jump and look around.

"Uuh... common room I think, J. Guys, that was Jarvis. He's dad's AI - artificial intelligence. He's basically an extremely advanced robot."

"Merlin, Harry! This is amazing!" Arthur exclaimed, excited.

"What can I say? Dad's a genius."

The doors opened, letting the new residents get a look at the common room of the tower. They looked on in awe at the beautiful, high-tech room, eyes eventually landing on a group surrounding the 64" flat screen TV, all with a dessert in hand.

"You saw the kitchen?" Harry asked with a wince.

"Yep. By the way, it's a new record. You were only in there for an hour. And you baked more than you ever have. Oh, and the chocolate hazelnut ice cream is the best!" Tony replied.

"Hell no! It was definitely the strawberry tart with lavender and honey cream." Clint pouted.

"No, the champagne and raspberry posstes were by far the best." stated Natasha.

This got the group started on a fight about the best dessert that Harry made. The Weasley's sniggered in the background, Harry sighing in annoyance.

"OI! SHUT UP!" Harry shouted, letting off a bang with his wand, silencing everyone instantly. "It does not matter which dessert is the best. It's all we'll be eating until it's gone anyway." he then turned to the Weasley's behind him. "Come with me. We'll get you some food and then we can go find your rooms. It's too late to start watching seventh year now, it's afternoon. Come on!"

They all followed him to the kitchen, freezing in awe at the doorway.

At that moment, Teddy sleepily blinked his eyes, tiny hands coming up to rub. He let out a long yawn before looking up into the eyes of the person holding him.

Amber and hazel swirling eyes stared into emerald green, both smiling. The child giggled, making grabbing movements at the teens face. Harry leant over to nuzzle his nose on Teddy's. "Heya, cub." he whispered. It elicited another giggle from Teddy.

The residents of Avengers Tower had soft smiles on their faces as they watched godfather and godson interact for the first time. A warmth entered Tony's heart as he watched his son have a one-to-one with the newest member of their family.


A/N: Hey guys. I'm ill today - migraine. It is horrid! And it's a bi-product of a cold. A fucking cold. IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER! So yeah, trust me, I'm pissed. Today was our last RE lesson - we watched 'my sisters keeper' or something like that. It's about two sisters - one has cancer. The other is a designer baby. Its really sweet but the one with cancer does die at the end. The thing is, when she died, I read a really funny thing in my fanfiction (phone under the table) and burst out laughing. Everyone thought I was laughing at the fact she was dead. I was so embarrassed! Everyone was like "SHHHHH!" and I was all like "Sorry! Sorry!" So yeah. Only a week of school left - and the last day is a half day! I finish with photography which is one of my favourite lessons. Then we are off to Harry Potter Studios in London on Sunday. I literally CAN NOT WAIT! IT'S GONNA BE SO COOL! But yeah anyway, please rate and review, love feedback <3 and I will see you next week. Byeeeeeeeee!


nvm, I've just accidentally posted the Batman crossover. have fun!

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