Chapter Three

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I wake slowly, feeling a hand gently pushing a strand of hair back that has escaped my bun. I keep my eyes closed, comforted by the strong arm that's still around me. The pad of his finger lightly runs across my cheekbone, descending to my lips. I'm struggling to remain calm. He's watching me. He's-

His thumb parts my mouth, moving along my bottom lip- slowly. I can't stop my heart, which has begun to beat like a drum. I move slightly, hopefully indicating to him that I'm waking. His hand leaves my face quickly. I open my eyes slowly and he's acting like he's been staring at the sky this whole time. I smile, pleased beyond words. He looks down at me and I see something behind his eyes. It's only there for a fleeting moment, I can't pinpoint what emotion it is, but it's intense. It makes the hairs on my arms stand on edge.

And then it's gone, replaced by a wide smile.

"Good morning."

"Morning," I whisper, flushing purple. "How long have we been here?"

He holds up his free arm into the air, reading his watch from afar. "It's- 10 am."

I nod, licking my lips. Even though it's an overcast day, I wonder if I'll have a burn. I chuckle, shaking my head as I move to sit up.

"I can't believe we just slept in the middle of nowhere. We could have been eaten."

He laughs, glancing around us. "It's a beautiful day."

I run my hand through my messy up-do, awkwardly. God, I can't even imagine what I must look like. "It is."

It's quiet, completely quiet for a few moments and I take the time to view the lake in all of it's glory.

"I think I'll swim before turning myself in to the security, eh?" he says, suddenly, standing. Swim? I gape at him as he reaches for the buttons of his shirt.

I hold up my hand. "Whoa, what are you doing?"

He smirks. "Well, you don't expect me to jump in fully-clothed, do you?"

I'm turning the shade of a beet. He pulls the shirt from his waistband, getting the last button undone before shedding the fabric from his skin. My mouth goes dry, I can't look away, as much as I should. His body is evidence enough that when you work out, you get results. Chiseled and toned, he's only dusted with dark hair across his pecks, as well as the trail of hair leading down from his belly button. His skin looks so smooth...

As my eyes shoot up from his hands that are easing his belt off to his face, I find him smirking. I look away then, quickly.

"You are not about to get naked in front of me."

"You don't like what you see?"

"That is beside the point."

"Your cheeks say otherwise." I look back up at him, hesitantly. He laughs. "Oh, come on. You wouldn't feel so strange if you were getting in too."

I gape, as he drops his belt down onto the ground, removing his shoes. "You just want to see me undress myself!"

He laughs, shaking his head. "Live, Mia. Don't you ever live?"

He undoes the bottom of his cream-colored slacks and brings them down, unashamed. When he straightens, I realize it's because he has nothing to be ashamed about. His briefs reveal much, including just how endowed the Crown Prince of England is. I blush further, pressing my lips together as he drops the pants onto the blanket.

"I'm beginning to think you'd pass out if I went any further, so I'll keep my important bits to myself," he states, turning. I watch from my spot, frozen as he walks into the water, diving in once he's deep enough.

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