Chapter Seven

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"I'm coming home today, Ida."

"Mia, you're making a mistake. I understand you're home sick but that is London, England! You may never get the chance to go there again!"

I stuff my makeup into my father's luggage, shaking my head to myself. "Ida."

"What happened there, Mia? Why won't you tell me?"

"Nothing happened. I just want to come home. I'm ready to come home."

"You wouldn't leave unless something happened. I know you."

"Obviously not," I breathe, frustrated. I close my eyes when the line remains silent for a couple seconds. Great, now I'm acting like a total bitch. "I'm sorry, Ida. I'm just tired... I'll see you when I land."

She sighs, heavily. "Alright."

I hang up, madder than before I called. I push down on my luggage, trying to zip it shut with the gown from the concert inside. For once, it's not working. I push and pull, turn it, but nothing works. I growl, shoving it before I give up, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress.

I'm angry. I'm upset. I'm confused. I'm frustrated, sexually... unbelievably so. I don't even feel like myself. I can't stop thinking about him, about last night. About the night we met. I'm angry I'll never have that again, never feel the connection we shared again. Which is crazy. We've known each other two days. Two fucking days.

I shake my head, pressing my lips to my swollen mouth. An arranged marriage... He doesn't want it. He doesn't want to get married.

Suddenly, there's a loud knock filling the air. I stare at the door, unmoving until there is another- and another. I know who it is.

"Mia, I know you're in there. The attendant hasn't seen you since this morning."

I stand up, rubbing my hands against my thighs as I walk towards the door. My feet shuffle at the entrance as I try to get my bearings before seeing him. However, when I open the door slowly and find him there, with Ivan behind him, I feel myself quickly begin to panic. He's in a navy suit, tailored and vibrant. My mouth seems to go dry, I can't speak.

He breathes in, pressing his lips together. "I'd have come sooner, if I hadn't had a prior appointment at Buckingham."

I shake my head but he holds up his hand. "Please, just hear me out."

I keep a firm hand, holding the door. "What is it you'd like to say, Your Highness?"

He doesn't like the formality, I know that. "Well, first, I'd like to say that I have no control in what my family wants for me. You were not the first woman I've slept with since the announcement, and that is because this marriage is not for love. It's designed to root me into my duties, since my family believes I squander my time. I took you on that trip because I was expected for a dinner with my family that she would be attending as well and didn't want to go. It was childish and I had no good intentions... until you were in my arms that morning."

He shakes his head, looking down at his feet. I stare at him, hating that my heart is de-thawing at a rapid pace.

"Last night was different, Mia... You are different. I trusted you implicitly, the moment I met you. That doesn't happen in my world. And I'm not saying that this is true love or that we are meant to be, but I'm not ready for this to end... and I... I don't think you are either. You felt what I did when we were together last night, I know it. You know it's special."

"You're mistaken," I lie, stubbornly. His brows rise.

"Am I?"

His gaze is intense, strong, and unwavering. I hold it, unable to look away. He's right... I know he's right. I don't want this to be over but what he's asking for, I can't give him. I'd be going against everything I believe in.

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