Chapter Sixteen

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"M-Mia," Ida utters, holding open the door to her apartment. I'm calm now, having spent most of the flight in blubbering tears. She takes one look at me and sighs, closing her eyes.

"What did he do?"

And as expected, I'm angry. I push past her. "He didn't do anything. I left. Don't worry either. I'm only here to grab my things."

I open the door to my room, walking to my closet.

"You don't have to leave."

"You gave me an ultimatum, Ida. Your own niece! I'm getting my things and then I'm leaving."

"What happened?"

I huff, stuffing my belongings quickly into a duffel bag.

"Mia, what happened?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Don't be like this. You know I was trying to protect you. I had no clue you were dating a goddamn prince."

"You didn't give me the chance to tell you!"

"I didn't want you to get sucked into another situation like John! I didn't want to see you get hurt! I thought an ultimatum would have made you come back!"

I look up at her, eyes burning. "I love him, Ida."

She remains quiet, letting the silence grow between us. She finally tilts her head.

"Then why did you leave?"

I wipe beneath my nose, quickly. "We-we couldn't be together. He was fighting for a lost cause. His brother didn't approve of me."

"Did he even meet you?"

I move, digging into my delicates drawer beside my bed. "Yes, well... no. We haven't been formally introduced."

"He's a prick then."

Depositing myself onto the floor with a thud, I roll my eyes, chuckling exhaustedly, too tired to be angry. "He's not."

"And Prince Henry- he let you leave?"

"He fought it... He- didn't know I was going to the airport. He probably hates me now."

She shakes her head and walks over to me, clasping my arms, lifting me up. "Come on. Get some sleep in."

"I'm not staying."

"Alright, well, have a nap and then go. It's the middle of the night."

She pulls back the covers and I don't resist her. The thought of comatose, leaving my memories for a while sounds good. My head barely hits the pillow before everything goes black.


I stare at the window, hearing the loud noises of the city outside. It's so much louder here than London. I feel an ache in my chest as I think of Henry, imagining him now. His day is probably almost over there. It's two in the afternoon, but I can't seem to leave my bed.

The hours pass so quickly, I barely realize it. My cell is off, I made sure to do that. When the door opens, Ida is there, the landline in her hand.


I look at her, tiredly. "What?"

"He is on the phone. He's refusing to get off until he speaks with you... I really don't want to fight with a prince."

I close my eyes, steeling a breath. I feel pain and pleasure. Ida comes over to the side of the bed as I sit up, slowly. I take the phone, feeling a surge of blood to my heart knowing he's on the other side of this line. I'm surprised when Ida leaves, shutting the door behind her, giving me space.

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