Chapter Twenty-Six

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"This is so stupid," I whisper hastily, taking Henry's outstretched hand. I put on the dark sunglasses over my eyes. "We're going to be caught."

Henry looks back at me with an excited smile. Except when he looks at me, he looks nothing like Henry. Dressed to disguise himself, he's got his hair pulled back into a small ponytail, a dark beard from two weeks lack of shaving concealing his face. Sporting the matching ray bans I have, he's in all white, which is custom.

He pulls his disguise off much better than I do. I'm wearing a platinum blonde wig that ends above my shoulders. The strong makeup I've put on is already making me tired, it's so heavy. I've got on a maroon halter top that had two ties holding it together, one around my neck, the other string across my back, with a long skirt the same color that ends at my ankles.

"Stop worrying so much," he says, laughing. "I've done this so many times. Never been caught once."

"Yeah, you have a liability with you now," I mutter as we duck underneath a lowered branch on the walkway.

"We've been cooped up on that island for months now," he says, kissing my hand as we walk up the path to the resort. W Maldives- the resort that has a world-known underground nightclub, known as 15Below. We came by motor boat, it's wasn't a long ways away from the private island.

"I know but... this is dangerous. If we're seen-"

He smirks, stopping suddenly. "Kiss me."

My eyes narrow but I step up onto my tiptoes anyway. He clasps the nape of my neck with one of his hands, lowering his mouth to mine. His expert tongue is very effective in helping me forget where I am. I pull back slowly, pressing my lips together into a smirk.

"Stop trying to distract me."

"Is it working?"

I hum, tilting my head. "Maybe."

He presses his mouth to mine again, too briefly before he pulls back, squeezing my hand. "Let's go."


The music is so loud, the base vibrates through my body, boosting my adrenaline to it's peak. In Malé, the capitol of the Maldives, it's not permitted for men and women to touch in public, but here, among the tourists, that's not the case. I lean back against Henry, smiling as his hands travel down over my hips, over my skirt as we move against each other to the rhythm to the music.

He was completely right. After a drink- two, actually and hours of wild dancing, I've completely forgotten who we are. Right now, we're just two people, in love, out together for a night of dancing. There's no England, no New York. No Richard, no John. Just us.

The dance floor is crowded. There are strobe lights and large neon colored signs but other than that, it's dark all around us. I feel Henry's lips on my throat and my body shivers violently, goosebumps covering my skin. I'm sure notices.

My stomach flips as I feel a rush of tension sweep like a wave over my senses. I'm aroused, blindingly so. Henry and I have never been out in public together really, let alone touching each other, other than at the charity gala. The realization of this is daunting to me.

I turn, clasping his neck, desperate. My lips crush to his, surprising him. He doesn't pull me away though, he pulls me closer, grabbing onto the sides of my skirt. As his tongue dives through my lips, I moan, unable to think rationally anymore. Henry's hands move from the material of my skirt, over my bare back, feeling the length of my spine. I pull back, breathlessly, pressing my cheek to his.

"Let's go," I get out. He responds by grabbing my hand, pulling me off the dance floor. I grin as we make our way up the stairs, headed back towards our boat. The walkways outside leading to the beaches are almost entirely vacant now, as it's way into the early hours of the morning. We turn, kissing again spontaneously by the bungalows. I feel as if his lips against mine could honestly make me orgasm.

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