Chapter Thirty-one

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"I've made such a mess of things," I whisper, staring out over where I last saw Henry. Angie rubs my hand, seated beside me on the veranda. "I thought... I thought I could still be friends with him. I never thought-"

"Arnold was drunk, Mia. It's a rare occasion to see him like that... I never have."

I nod, looking down at my legs. "Henry must be so angry with me."

"Not you... no. I'm sure he's angry with himself."

I look at her, blinking. "Why?"

"Because Henry is a good man... he will find truth in Arnold's words." She sighs, taking ahold of my hand, looking radiant in the light. "I never told you... but I used to sleep with Arnold, it was a very casual thing. But for a time, I thought I loved him."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask after the initial embarrassment begins to wear off. I shake my head apologetically. I had imagined that to be the case when I first saw them together but since she pushed us together so much, I figured it was my imagination.

She smiles. "Because I wanted you to have a chance to be happy. I saw you and Henry first at Kensington and then at that gala... when you sang that song for him- you were mad for him. And I knew Arnie was mad for you... I never thought Henry could love the way he does now. When we were at the wedding, Royce was with him and Henry- was devastated, Mia. Like a man who knew he was making the biggest mistake of his life."

Oh, Henry. I feel emotional as tears begin to build at the corners of my eyes.

"He went to his brother and told him that he would not give up his heart for him. And he left I suppose, to get to you."

"We've cost each other so much," I whisper, wiping beneath my eyes as the tears fall down my cheeks.

"But you're happy."

I nod, sighing happily. "I am. He is. It was like a dream on that island, completely alone with no one but each other... I was so worried to come here, out in the open."

"The world is a harsh place. Royce and I have dealt with that fact for over five years now. In the beginning, I thought I'd never get through all the gossip surrounding him. I hate that... I began to resent him. It wasn't until I got sick with pneumonia and Royce literally stayed by my side the entire time, taking care of me that I realized resenting my situation would only destroy my- our- only chance for happiness. You and Henry will be fine, I promise. Just give this time. It's only been a few months."

"I know... He wants to give me so much," I confess. "He is so giving and I'm not sure what I can offer in return... except my love?"

"That's all he wants," she whispers, chuckling softly. "That's something he's never had... something he'll never tire of. Someone to love him for being the man he is, not the prince."

I smile, humming. Speaking to her is surprisingly therapeutic.

"I'm glad you came, despite everything... I wish you didn't have to leave in the morning."

She squeezes my hand once more. "We'll see one another soon, I'm sure of it."


Over an hour later, I'm closing my creamy satin robe, preparing to go downstairs to find Henry when the bedroom door opens. Henry walks in, shutting the door quietly behind him. Standing in the middle of the room, frozen, I wait trying to decipher his mood.

I expect him to speak but he doesn't. He walks to the closet, removing his shirt.

"Henry, I'm sorry," I utter, uncomfortably after a moment too long of silence.

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