Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"We can use this color," I hum, holding up the pale yellow paint can towards Mrs. Ike. Our task of painting the nursery without Henry has not been an easy feat. We decided we wanted to do it ourselves, so love would go into the work. Henry got through putting the primer on the walls but got a call to meet the Chief of Foreign Affairs in Paris.

As the months have passed, Henry has been called more and more to help his brother and England. Whether it's small tasks, such as attending a charity event, being seen or important meetings with members of the UN, they've asked him to do it. And he has. I don't hold it against him. But I do worry that one of these days Richard will ask him to go back to England and Henry won't be able to refuse. I think he still holds a grudge against Henry for the wedding, but he can't afford to lose him either so he keeps quiet.

"Are you sure you're fit to do this? You are seven months in! I'm afraid your belly is going to smudge the wall," Mrs. Ike says, chuckling. I press my hands to my extended stomach covered by overalls, smirking.

"I'll be careful," I murmur, wanting to get something done. I'm carrying the Prince of England's child. I didn't know what that meant, how important this event actually is until I was too big to keep it hidden and Richard began sending doctors, experts. I was supposed to go on bed rest months before for precautions, which definitely didn't happen. I can't work until after the baby is born. My baby, simply by being born since Richard hasn't had a child yet, will immediately become heir to the throne after Henry. I don't even like to think about it really or I get too frightened.

"Are you sure about the yellow?" Mrs. Ike says, grabbing a clean rolling brush. I step over the plastic on the ground, looking at the walls. The room has many windows- yellow will make this room bright... and the color is gender neutral as well.

Henry and I agreed on waiting to know the sex until labor.

I nod, smiling. "Yes, I'm sure. Let's paint."


I wake abruptly, eyes flickering open in fear. My skin is damp and horribly itchy, still remembering what I felt like being burrowed into that mattress by John Robinson III. It's been so long since I've had a nightmare...

I sit up, glancing over at the empty space beside me. I hate it when Henry goes away. I place my hand over the spot, closing my eyes to try and calm my rapid heartbeat. However, there is a noise by the balcony that makes every hair on my body stand on edge.

When I hear another bang, I'm out of the bed, on my feet. What the hell is that?

I press my hand to my heart, walking over to the balcony door, grabbing scissors from the desk before I peer out through the sheer curtains. I see nothing but a bird on the ledge. I close my eyes, chuckling to myself.

Jesus, I'm paranoid. Turning, I set the scissors down and walk to the bathroom, to get water. I grip the sides of the sink, staring at my overheated cheeks. Splashing my face, I try not to think of John. I try to remember that Henry will be back in a few hours.

I wipe my face with the towel, feeling calmer than before. I step out into the room and freeze. There is someone coming through the balcony doors. It's not Henry, that's for sure. He's wearing all black, his face partially covered with a black cap.

He scans the room and finds me by the bathroom, his eyes piercing mine. And without a second thought, I run for the door, screaming at the top of my lungs. I'm in the hallway when two of Henry's security comes running up the stairs.

"Miss Mia!"

I point frantically, trying to breathe. "There- There's was someone in my room!"

"Get her out of here!" Billie shouts to Hart, sprinting for the door, reaching for his holster.

"Come, Princess," Hart says, grabbing my hand as we start down the stairs. My belly is very large and ways me down a great deal, slowing our escape by minutes. I'm barely strapped into my seatbelt before the car speeds towards the gate that is already opening wide.

"Were you harmed?" Hart asks, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. I clutch my trembling hands together, trying to calm myself, worried for the baby.

"No, I'm fine. He didn't touch me." I look outside the window, seeing the blur of trees as we speed down the street. "Where are we going, Hart?"

"A hotel under a fake name, Miss. Henry had a plan implicated when you first moved."

"Henry doesn't know. He can't go home."

"Just heard that Hart spoke to him. He is on route to the hotel as well, where you both are to remain until the grounds are searched."

I swallow, with a nod, feeling a kick.


I stand as fast as I can as the door opens and Henry rushes into the room, Ivan close behind him. I smile with relief as he reaches me and his arms bound around me tightly.

"Thank god you're alright," he whispers, pressing his lips to my forehead before looking at me. He clasps my face. "The baby is fine?"

I nod. "Yes, the baby is fine."

He kisses me, briefly before pulling away. I reach for him but he walks up to Hart and Billie.

"He was in our bedroom," is all Henry says at first, low and angry. "He got into our bedroom. The only reason you work for the crown is to protect. With the gates and the ridiculous amount of men and cameras I have placed on that property, there should have been no way anyone could breach that perimeter. None!"

"We had men out of course, sir. We will look into the cameras. We will find who did this."

"You will not," Henry snaps. "You both are relieved of your duties. I left you in charge of my wife and child and you failed to do your job."

I walk forward, wide-eyed, grabbing Henry's arm. "No, Henry. They worked well getting me out of the house. They did their job. I'm sure there was a reason why they didn't see him."

"Mia," Henry says, as if should stay out of it. I shake my head, looking up at Hart and Billie. Their faces are carefully emotionless.

"Henry, please. I'm fine. The baby is fine. They protected me."

Henry inhales, looking down at the ground. I stare at him, cautiously. He nods, finally. Ivan is watching Billie and Hart from the corner, not looking too pleased. I think they're going to get it from him too.

"Go back to the estate. Find him, by any means necessary," Henry commands, sounding like a different man than the one I know so well. They bow and turn, walking from the room. Ivan follows behind them.

"I will be outside the room, sir," he says, shutting the door. As soon as we're alone, Henry turns, clasping my face tightly as his lips come down upon mine. I'm surprised and pleased by the desperation of his kisses.

He pulls back, breathless. "I'm never leaving you alone again."

I laugh, shaking my head. "We're fine. Everything is okay."

He closes his eyes when I rest my palm against his cheek, exhaling with relief for the first time since he walked in.

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