Chapter Twenty-One

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Three weeks later...

I take a deep breath, shutting the door to my small studio apartment. My fingers begin to bolt the locks, all three of them. Behind me is all I've acquired from the cash I have. After Henry removed the funds I asked, I had just two-thousand in there. Ida sent me a thousand.

Thankfully, I've found work easy. Not singing, but waitressing. It's a start, until I can save some money. I turn, leaning against the door, staring at the loft.

It's been 504 hours since I last spoke to Henry. Three weeks, and he hasn't reached out once. I see him on the TV, newspapers, magazines. He looks well... and I hate that. My bitterness is at it's highest extent.

But I just don't understand how he do something so drastic as kill for me and then leave? How can he leave me knowing that I'm completely alone here, knowing that I am afraid? After knowing what happened to me? How can he just give up?

He said he'd always be with me, whenever I needed him. Was it a lie?

It couldn't have been... he wouldn't have done all that he did.

Maybe he felt it was out of obligation? Maybe he lost control because someone touched me other than him?

No... that doesn't sound like him.

My daily thoughts between my shifts come to these musings, which only make me more bitter. Seeing him and Annabelle on the front pages as I walk to work doesn't help either.

I actually think he's going to marry her. I actually do.


Four months seem to pass, like a blink of an eye. I set down my tray, removing my apron tiredly after a double shift. It's close to midnight now. Michael is behind the bar, drying the glasses carefully.

"Mia, you've got company waiting on the floor."

"But I'm done," I groan, looking back to the main room.

"They're not here to eat."

I frown, grabbing my bag. I force myself to believe it's not Henry. Thinking like that only hurts me in the end. "I'm heading out."

"See you tomorrow."

I nod, letting down my messy hair. My eyes scan the room, before landing on a couple in the corner, that stand out like a sore thumb. A smile lights my face as I walk towards Angie, who's tapping exuberantly on Royce's shoulder, getting his attention.

"Countess!" I exclaim, happily.

"Oh, please," she scoffs, pulling me into a tight hug. I react slow from shock but I hug her back, reaching out for Royce's hand.

"Hello, Miss Mia," he says, kindly with a smile. To see their familiar faces- I feel elated beyond words. I pull back, shaking my head.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"We have connections," she says, smirking. I don't ask her what those are. I don't want to know. I always have a sneaking suspicion that Henry has me followed, but I could just be thinking too highly of myself. She looks down at my bag.

"Are you free for the night?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'm off."

"We stopped by after a dinner we had, and had a very interesting conversation with Mr. Freeman... do you remember him?"

I chuckle. "How could I not? I nearly passed out from fright on that stage."

"Well, he doesn't remember that at all... he heard you're back in London and not singing!"

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