Chapter Forty-Two

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I stare out the window, my book out in front of me. My mind is a chaos, full of worries and fears. My new marriage is fragile, more fragile than I thought. In France, we were a force to be reckoned with.

But here, in England, we are merely pawns in a very large game of chess, surrounded by Kings and Queens and Knights. We move when a higher power tells us to move, when it is the right time. And right now, I don't have a move. I am stuck, waiting to give birth to the heir of England. I never knew it was going to be like this.

Would I have done things differently if I had?

I hate that I wouldn't. I love him too much- I know his potential. I know what kind of man he is when he is himself. I'm waiting for that man to return. The man that couldn't bare not to touch me. To kiss me. To talk to me.

Where is that man? Where is he?

I press my hand to my side, feeling a sharp pain. I expect it to pass, but it doesn't. I begin to feel shortness of breath. I look around frantically, gaping.

I think- I'm going into labor.

"Aileen!" I gasp, grimacing. "Aileen!"


"The pain you experienced is what is known as 'False Labor'. You will most likely experience more contractions irregularly so I will make sure I am nearby at all times," the doctor states by the bed, smiling. "It should not be long until the baby comes."

I smile uncomfortably. "I will be very glad for it... Doctor, can I still move around? Walk?"

"Yes, with caution of course. It may be a few days before your enter actual labor, or it could happen tomorrow. This late in the pregnancy I wouldn't be surprised for the latter, ma'am."

Bowing again, he stands up, glancing at Patrick before leaving the room.

"Can I get you anything, ma'am? Anything at all?"

"No, thank you... um, have you told Henry of this?"

"Yes, he has," Henry states, walking through the door. He glances disapprovingly at Patrick, walking to the bed. He grabs my hand tightly, sitting down on the edge of the mattress.

"You are alright?"

I nod, waiting for Patrick to leave the room to speak. "I'm fine... it was a false alarm."

"They said you were in pain. Do you need anything?"

I shake my head. "I'm fine. You were in a meeting with the Privy Council. You shouldn't have left."

"Mia, who do you think I am?" he asks softly, frowning. His eyes are sharp. "A month ago, I was designing a crib for this child from scratch. Why would you think suddenly now that this wouldn't mean anything to me? That I would ignore a message saying my wife is in pain?"

I stare at him, silently as he stands up.

"Mia, we are falling apart. I don't understand... how things got so low so fast."

"You don't?"

He scoffs angrily. "Yes! Of course I know it's leaving France! Forcing you from your home! I am sorry for that but there is something bigger at stake here! Something bigger than either of us. Richard is fucking breathing down my neck, Mia-"

I shake my head. "It's wasn't leaving France, Henry. That's where you're wrong. And it's why we're falling apart."

He places his hands on his hips. The door opens and he holds up his hand to Patrick. "I'm sorry but your voices can be heard-"

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