Chapter Four

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I close the door to my room behind me, pressing my hands to the wood. I shake my head, smiling ridiculously to an empty room. Even the atmosphere in here is different. Lighter. More exciting. I feel like I could explode with happiness.

I deposit my bag and dress onto the bed, shaking my head.

I've just spent the entire night with a prince. A handsome prince, who likes skinny-dipping and rock music. I begin to remove my clothing, desperate for a shower. I'm turning for the bathroom when the phone line in the room rings.

I walk over to it, picking up the landline. "Hello?"

"So... when I said I wanted to see you again, I meant tonight. I hope you knew that."

My face is going to break. I shake my head. "Is that so?"

"It is. I have a few friends coming over for drinks, after a state dinner we're attending. I don't know how you'd feel about it?"

Friends? Wow. "Um, are they... are they royal too?"

"Noble, yes, they are."

"Well, I don't know. Won't that be awkward?"

"No, they're very nice people. And they should only be there for an hour or so... It will just be you and I after."

I smile, looking down. "Um, okay. If you're sure."

"I am. I will have a car come for you at nine."


"Bring something to sleep in. I'm having a guest room prepared for you."

I gape, slightly, stunned at his bluntness. "Oh."

"Unless you'd like to go back to your hotel, of course. I only said guest room because I didn't want to imply anything. I figured drinking..."

I rub my neck, shaking my head. "No... it's alright. I will bring something."

Did I really just say that? There's a short pause. "Good... Well, I'll see you tonight then."

"See you tonight," I breathe before I hang up. I lay down the landline, raising my hand to my mouth slowly in contemplation. I truly don't know what I just did. Did I just say I'd be spending the night in his house?

I sit on the edge of the bed, pulling my phone out of my bag. I type a quick text to Ida.

Sorry I didn't call back. Busy night, large hangover. Will call later. Xo

I hit send and my gaze flickers to the window, to the long, busy streets of London.

What the hell am I doing?


There's a knock at my door, at nine sharp. I look to the door from my place by the window, truly frightened with no actual idea why. Well, maybe I do know. I won't allow myself to think of the consequences of this.

In my relatively boring life, I've been given this blessing. A blessing to come to London to do what I love, to explore my wildest dreams for this next week and a half. I'm not just Mia Tyler here. I'm not a maid, I'm not a student, I don't live with my aunt here. I'm who I want to be.

And I've been given a chance to spend time with a man who excites me in every way. I won't let myself think of who he is, what this flirtation means... I just want to enjoy myself. This does not have to be love.

I stand up, looking down at my dress. It's black and ankle length, casual but pretty. It's the only thing in my closet that I thought wouldn't make me look ridiculous next to people in formal attire.

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