Rikolah (Rika)

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Okay, so I'm the first, I have no idea what to write...

My real name is Rika, though many of you know me as Rikolah. That's my back on the side... Yes, I am literally the girl with the dragon tattoo. If only I'd known about the book when I got it four years ago.

Anyway, I'm what you call a "desert rat." I live in a town that barely qualifies as a small blip on the map called Yuma, AZ. That's in the US of A, if y'all haven't heard. And if you have heard, you've probably also heard that "The, the, the bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word." Repeat 4x for posterity and then move on... Anyhow we have, on average, the most days of sun... in the world. That's code for: Come here during the summer and you're guaranteed to fry your ass off.

Ummm... I'm sort of the proprietor of this senior home. I say sort of because even though I started it, we built it together. ;) With that said, I am required to confess my age. I'm 24 and too young to feel old!

I'm an 80's baby, obviously since I told you my age, which means I'm a 90's kid. I remember a time when you literally "dialed" your number. When big screen TVs were gargantuan and weighed a ton. I remember when the Lion King, 101 Dalmations, and Beauty and the Beast were considered "New Releases" and not "Classics." I remember when Gameboys were still black and white. I remember using DOS on my grandparents' computer, thinking I was the shit. It was a time when 520 MB of memory was mind blowing and blu-ray was just a whimsical idea. I remember a time when internet was for government use only and that when it finally was released to the public, it made weird noises as you "dialed up". I remember when "America On-Line" or AOL was a major internet provider instead of a major email company. I remember Meg Ryan. lmao. How the mighty have fallen.

You guys might not know this, but before I created the senior club, I was kind of a loner on Wattpad (what with the average user being 13-16). I considered myself a one woman wolfpack. But when I started that original thread those many months ago and Ary (Anakelia or Peanutty11 at the time) dropped by, I knew she was one of my own... and my wolf pack, it grew by one. So there were two of us in the wolf pack, I was alone first in the pack and then Ary joined in later.

More of the older members of Wattpad began to trickle in and I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure that I've added 11 other people to my wolfpack. Eleven of us wolves, running around Wattpad together, looking for man candy in our Hoverrounds.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was my spin on the Hangover, by the way. Alan is hilarious.

As you can tell, I'm a Grade A Geek. I love video games, particularly my Xbox360, and Mass Effect 3 is my current obsession, despite the fact I've already beaten it. GO BIOWARE!

I love to sing... A LOT! I love to dance as well, though I don't do that as much these days. Back in high school I was in a show choir and the performing dance class. That was before Glee and High School Musical made it "Cool." Which pretty much means that I was not in the cool kids club. lol

For the record, I've never seen HSM. I have no desire to either...

"I'm a nurse, I'm just not registered." Hopefully that will change soon...

On my personal account, I'm an Ambassador. This venture is not sanctioned by WP, so I'll only act in my capacity as an Ambassador if you force me to.

I shit rainbows and butterflies and sweat pixie dust.

That's all for now, but I'll add more when I have more time.

If you want to talk to me in particular, leave a message (comment) at the beep and I'll get back to you.


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