Anakelia aka peanutty

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Question- anyone else log out of their account planning to log in to this account only to realize that they'd forgotten the password and username? LOL

Ok So I guess I will go fourth....

Like Rika said I've been around for like ever, she doesn't know this but back when she first started that one thread (may it rest in peace) I could see it had potential, so unlike on other threads when I commented one thing and then moved on...I kept coming back to that one.

And I'm super glad I did!

Every one is this group has helped me grow one way or another.

I am a month away from being 26 years old, I have a 6 year old and like Elena I have no creativity :P when it comes to usernames. Whatever username I use wether it be Anakelia or Peanut or Peanutty or a veriation of one or the other it just means....My kids name. 

*sigh* I dont know what else to say...

I like to read more than I like to write but when I write I do it in third person because while other ppl talk to their characters and are told what to stories play like movies in my mind and I am only the puppet that describes whats going on. Although lately my movies are stuck on pause....

phew ok, maybe i'll think about something else to write. :P lol

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