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Well, well, a venue where we can all meet up and 'misbehave' as we please.  I have to hand it to you Riks and the rest of you 'mad' masterminds out there that have collaborated to get this going.  Fabulous idea!!

So, little old me huh?  Well, the name is what it is...  No, I'm not 'right' for you!  Actually, a friend had to point out how it sounded honestly.  The Ital is what it is - I'm a quarter Italian.  The RT is thanks to my field of study, Respiratory Therapy.  The 4u, well, I just added it 'cause it sounded better.  LOL.  It seems like we have a vast majority of emergency responders...  Where are the hot doctors, surgeons and paramedics?  We have the 911 dispatcher, the nurses, and now, an RT!  We might as well open up an online hospital!

My real name is Carey-Ann but lets just stick to Carey, or Cara by some of you on here would like to have it.  Call me CareBear and I'll gut you like a fish!  (not really but I might think of doing it!)  I'm 30 in November and I'm dreading the turn of the ages but I'm relishing in the BIG bash that'll be coming up ahead.  I have a beautiful three year old daughter, Isabella.  She keeps me going and always manages to make my day that much brighter, if not by a smile or one of her lame knock-knock jokes, then with some snide, sarcastic remark that makes her Daddy and I bust a gut laughing.

I work in the P & C Insurance market, in a lobbying office here in Canada.  The job is quite monotonous at the worst of times but allows me to sometimes write and read when things die down from a political standpoint.

If you're looking for crazy, well, you've officially found it!  I think I can say it for most of us on here, it's never a dull moment in the UWSClub!  While I'm reading and writting, make sure you stop by, say hi and strike up a conversation.  I always enjoy visitors!

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