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Picture: Ryan Reynolds

Theme song: Maroon 5- Harder to Breathe

As you may or may not know this hot young thang is named Rabbit ;-) Hello to the bunny brigade. I'm the youngest member of the old people's home staggering in, just past the age to be allowed in, at 21. But because of my fantastical upbringing, I'm so old school. I'm talking Dick Tracy, Marty McFly and Freddy Mercury and if you do not who they are, you need to get a better edumacation! 

I was born in the wrong decade for sure, I should have been more in the late 50s so I could have properly experienced the 70s and 80s. I am a classic rock type of musical genre and I love movies so much I have 300 of them. I love anything from the 80s and 90s when it comes to movies and yes I do have all the seasons of Boy Meets World, the trilogy of Back to the Future, and numerous movies from the Brat Pack. Confused? Then you have some serious learning before your days in the old folks home!!

I have a weird obsession with hot men, okay let's face it, it's not weird at all. But the obsession with Ryan Reynolds is a little little bit weird, I just want to pour chocolate all over him and lick it off! Oh geeze was that too forward? Well I'm like that, I just can't seem to hold back or keep my big mouth shut.

So I guess I write a lot of romance and stuff. I have another account that's solely for werewolf stories, but tis a secret and if you find it.. hooray! As of now it will remain a secret until those stories gain recognition.

I'm really laid back and chill, but I have a huge backbone. I will constantly speak my mind, why should I hold back anyways? I don't let people mess with me and if they do I play dirty. I've been told I'm a bitch numerous times, but I kind of just laugh in their face and just don't care, maybe that's why they call me a bitch? Oh well, they'll get over it. 

I heard I'm pretty funny and I mean my cat agrees since he meows at everything I say. We have long deep conversations about our lives. I talk about school, how my life sucks, how I don't like a lot of people, and how crazy some people are. He meows back about his life harassing Chloe, our other cat, annoying my mother for food, and passing out in the sunshine. So jealous of his life.

Let's talk about my best friends, those colorful people. Chocolate Bear, my bestest friend ever, Erica, my lesbian best friend who's dating this awesome chic by the name of Kim (I'm constantly hitting on her brother), my other best friend named Lauren who told me I'd make a good lesbian, and lastly my friend Ros (Roz) who's just as weird as me as we talk about random shit and our animals.

I'm a great dancer, I get all my dance moves from my father who has mastered the butt dance! (It's really funny) basically my family together is a grand old time because we're all so weird.

Oh hot damn I cannot stop looking at that hunka hunka burning love on the side, he makes me want to take my clothes off. Sweet Jesus, maybe I should end this, eh? 

love you bunny minions!

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