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Hello lovelies,

I too lack the creativity needed to come up with a username that isn’t a derivative of my own name. Simmone is my middle name and I’ve got 25 full rotations of the earth around the sun under my belt. I currently live in Queens, NY and I LOVE it. I like to describe myself as a City girl with Country tendencies. As much as I adore living in the city that never sleeps, and being able to satisfy my craving for hot pastrami on rye at virtually any hour, I do sometimes miss those quiet country nights. However, there is no place like New York, my fair city truly has a heartbeat all her own. No matter how far I go or how long I’m away this place will always be home. The good, the bad and absolute hilarity found here ensure that no place else can wiggle into my heart quite as firmly as this city.

That being said, up until about a month and a half ago I was a full time leasing agent, I have recently given that up for a while, to take care of some of my family. This brings me to the most important thing anyone should know about me, I live and breathe for my family. Not only my immediate family but my entire family as a whole, we are a unit in the most intrinsic sense of the word. We love each other, and therefore often annoy the hell out of one another. We may even argue and fight one another but when it comes down to the essentials we take care of one another and may God have mercy on anyone outside of the family who decides to try and hurt us. Family Aside, I’m a pretty laid back person. I tend to roll with the punches.

My hobbies include shopping, reading, baking, and writing. Unfortunately for me, these days I spend more time window shopping than anything else. (I hate being a responsible adult -_-) Sadly, petty things like paying my bills on time and eating continue to interfere in my desire to buy pretty shoes every day.  And as far as writing goes, I haven’t swallowed a big enough can of courage to share that with anyone yet but I figure eventually I’ll get around to it.

I think that pretty much covers the basics but if you ask nicely I might answer other questions too!


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