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Hmmm. What shall I say?

My name is Denise and I am strange….I have always been this way.  All 24 (25 on July 27th) of my life; I have been certifiably mad. (Insert maniacal laugh here).

I am a single parent of two hyperactive minions aka my daughters. My oldest is 4 and the youngest is two. I love them two pieces and they drive me bananas. They are 75% of the reason that I joined wattpad…aside from being able to read hundreds of free books by awesome authors. Reading has always been my escape and has helped me hone my overactive imagination.  I have millions (or hundreds) of ideas but lack the motivation to see them to completion.  I’m just a muse, here to amuse.

I’m a walking talking juke box and a jumble of random intelligence. I know I’m not a genius but I know that goldfish have a three second reset button and that the seahorses have the right idea on who should be pregnant. I have a short attention span but I can focus long enough to complete books. I read blazingly fast and my comprehension is high. I’m obsessive that way. I could read all day but sadly I have other things to do.

I’m a student at Year Up Boston and I’m studying IT. I’m pretty savvy when it comes to technology and I suffer from tech envy often.  I ride the train and drool over the Ipad 3’s and Nooks and Kindles and IPhones. I’m broke but you can’t blame me for lookingJ. I’m also an avid people watcher. I tend to make stories about them or critique their fashion choices while applauding their bravery for coming out the house. Another weird quirk I have is that when I hear music I can make a music video in my mind. It’s hilarious sometimes.  

So aside from the rare times I spend here on Wattville, I spend a lot of time singing and dancing spontaneously. I always do my best to brighten the lives of others. I’m Mother Theresa before the old set in. How much you wanna bet she wore a lacy black thong under her peace makers garb……my apologies.

I love my fellow wattpad seniors and even though I am rarely around they still love the madness.

I live by my own code. RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness) SEM (Seize every moment)!

What is love? Baby….don’t hurt me. O.o

TheQueenCheese signing out! <3

Our Little Black BookМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя