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So as you can tell, my user name is Mandas58008. Like many, I suck at picking a good user name, so it doesn't take a brainiac to know that my actual name is Amanda, but I prefer to be called Manda; The only time I get called Amanda is when I've pissed off my mum, which at 24 years of age, I still take great enjoyment in doing lol

As for the numbers in my user name, well, if you ever spent your maths class wasting time, then you should be able to figure out what it means (My own little joke) But if you can't just ask and I'll be happy to let you in on the joke :)

I am a stay-at-home mother of two beautiful boys (When they're sleeping!) For the time they are awake, well; Devil spawn comes to mind, especially for my eldest who will be turning four in September. My youngest on the other hand; He makes it hard to remember why I said no more after two. But being a little over a month old, babies tend to make it hard to remember anything, including your own name some days (Baby Brain lol) If you don't know what "Baby Brain" is, then all I have to say is: enjoy your memory whilst it lasts! As for all the mothers reading this and nodding their heads in agreement: What was I talking about? lol

I love the friends that I've made here on wattpad, and I honestly don't know what I'd do with out them, although I don't get to chat with them anywhere near what I used to, or would like to now that I have a little bubby to keep me busy :)

Anywho, I really have no idea what else to add to this, so I'll leave it at this and add to it again later when I think of more :)

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