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~ Liam Payne's POV ~

" You never hang out with us anymore mate," I drowsily said to Louis who seemed to preoccupied in his fidgeting fingers. His eyes are transplanted into a cold gaze; staring intently at the school's hallways. I snapped my fingers twice in front of his hardened face with still no reply. Just the sound of his unsteady breathing. " Louis? You okay?" I asked, worried now. He roughly shook his head, signaling his body movements to the real world. He hesitated for a second, pursed his lips, and stared straight ahead; as in looking for someone particular. The only bloke I could think of was Marcel, but he was at home resting his injured head. Anne had contacted Leeroy and I immidiatly, after Marcel's incident that had been caused by Harry. I always new Harry wasn't a good bloke to hang out with. Especially after I lost his trust in my best mate.

" Yeah..sorry, um- I got lost in a train of thought," he blabbered moving his lips unevenly. " Sure...as I was saying..we should have an all boys night," I replied, still concerned over the lad. His ears perched up higher than normal at my response. " Yeah sure mate. I'm up for that. Your place right?" he asked raising his eyebrows with curiousity.

" Yeah sure. Fine by me. I'll invite--I leaned my lips against his ear closely making sure no one heard-- Niall," I answered. " Of coarse lad. Your secrets safe with me," he winked cheekily to which I blushed nudging him in the shoulder lightly. "Yeah..whatevs," I mumbled.

Then, as nothing happened, silence filled the air with awkward silence tension. " Is there something bothering you Lou?" I ask patting my hand lightly on his right shoulder. He tensed, his nose flinched at the light contact I gave him; then pulled my arm next to my side like nothing happened. " I have something to ask you Lee," he mumbles, his lips quirking with petrified nervousness.

" Sure go ahead." I answer; eyebrows brought together in a pile of confusion. He takes a deep breath, sighs, and taps his index finger on his pale straight lined lips. " I wanted to invite Harry," he rambles not meeting my applaud eyes. " Seriously Louis. H-he punched your boyfriend; his brother, pretty hard. I'm concerned, worried-"

" Liam, listen carefully please...give Harry a chance. I promise t-" " How do you know," I cut, sending him a sly smile with an amused expression. "I-I...I just do...I talk to him...sometimes," he blurts, hiding his tinted cheeks. " Sure," I mumble. " I just don't want anyone to get hurt," I whisper, a wry smile shooting off my face. " Aww, your such a daddy," he chuckled, nudging my shoulder. " Haha," I answered sarcastically, rolling my eyes with a small smirk plastered on my thin lips.

" And yes Louis, as long as no one gets hurt," I mention seriously. He nods his head and swings his arm over my shoulder in a friendly, brotherly way. "Good," he answers, shooting me a smile. And for the first time in a while, he's really smiling...because of Harry.

" So who's coming to the flat?" He asks changing the subject immediately. I ponder and think for a second before answering his simple question. " Marcel, you,...Harry, Niall, my brother, and me obviously," I chuckle listing off the names I had planned at the top of my head. " Okay, that's plenty," he answers. " What's the big thing about Harry!" I blurt.

He suddenly freezes. The tip of his forehead to the bottom tip of his jaw is paled white. Like a freezer; a wet solid ice cube; crinkled at the edges. " N-nothing much," he mutters. " Friendly."

" O-okay," I answer still concerned over his answer. " Well better get going to my next class Lee, see you at lunch," he mutters, pulling his arm off and proceeding his walk to Advanced English.

And all I could think about is the Irish lad with blue eyes for the rest of the period, with Marcel at the very back of my mind.

~ Louis Tomlinson's POV ~

Harry was in my mind throughout English, him being right behind me, since I was techniquelly in advanced English. The only class where we seemed to be together; me silently cursing with a mental pump fist. The whole time, I'd think about more " advanced " things with that hot muscular body of his. 

My eyesit was crystal clear, opeing up a little wide, to quickly take a small precious peek at Harry who had caught me various times looking at his pink delicious lips. He would return with a small smirk, that started through the small corners of his mouth, and a tint of scarlet red blush. And dimples that would automatically make me blow up with sparks; making me grin at the thought that it was me bringing out his happiness. The bloke made my mind feel tipsy yet safe. The small thought of me feeling and touching his sensitive tattos; both being shirtless. My crawly, long fingers carresing his pink cheeks with pure love, our fingers interwining in one piece, our minds set completely on eachother. And thats all I could think about, just Harry and I.

The idea of cheating on Marcel never crossed my mind when everything was normally about Harry these days. Sure, I did feel a tad bit guilty at my old beloved innocent boyfriend, but Harry was...Harry. His normal self; black tight jeans that fit his hot ass pretty well and tight white shirts that showed his fine, meaning tattoos. 

My blue glossy eyes traveled back to Harry who was tapping his number two pencil on the wooden desk with a cheeky smirk. Making sure I was looking, he slowly began to dip his tongue onto the middle of the pencil, circling his tongue around slowly yet cautiously. He shot me a small wink when all I could do was gasp quietly at his little cheeky pull off. If you looked closely to what he was doing, Harry began palming his black fit pants near his crotch, with a small amount of force just to make my mind feel a bit tipsy. He began squeezing his thighs, caressing them with a small amount of touch, moving his long slim fingers up and down slowly. He began sucking onto his bottom lip, gliding his tongue across his wet lips back and forth, and shooting out a small moan.

My ears perked up with crimson at the sound of his hot, low manly voice echoing through my goosebumped ears. His hands stopped completely, moving them back onto the table; crossing and interwinng them gently as if nothing happened five minutes ago. 

And all I could think during first period was that Harry was gonna " get some " tonight; its payback Harry. And all I could do was smirk.


Wow, intense chapter. Sorry that it took me a while to update. I had a small writers block but that's all gone. Next chapter your gonna likey;)

My Boyfriends Brother [Larry/Larcel:M:Preg]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora