episode 1: captured

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                         Episode 1

" I heard other tribes have been capturing other tribes and selling them to the white and yellow men". My grandmother said as she peeled garlic. My stomach growled as the pot a couple feet away boiled my favorite meal, Wild boar stew.

" yeah madame tumna's cousin got captured she's been weeping ever since. The namptu have no mercy I heard they're even selling the children they capture". My mom replied all while I kept an eye on the boiling pot.

It was my job to make sure the meat didn't stick to the bottom of the pot and burn. The weather had changed and the cool breezes where coming due to the fast approaching night. They where now working with the steam of the stew to taunt my hunger.

" poor women, I heard the namptu have expanded there hunting grounds. Get your son before night fall" My grandma said peeling the last of the garlic.

" yeah , your right it's about time he comes back from playing. Mika". I turned around at the sound of my mom calling my name.

" yes". I answered

" come take the garlic put it in the stew and then fetch your brother". I nodded my head and walked up to my grandma who handed me the basket of peeled garlic.

I grabbed a stick I had been using to uncover the pot.  I Gently removed  it making sure not to drop the top by accidentally jerking the stick.. As I removed the top. The supressed scent of the stew rose into the environment and my stomach let out the biggest growl yet.  I sat they're wondering what had possessed me to skip my morning meal.

I took the freshly peeled garlic and threw it into the stew. Judging by the size of the pot. It seemed they're would be enough for seconds and maybe even thirds.

" hurry up the sun's bout to set" . My grandma said . I sat the basket down next to me and got up running to the area my brother liked to play in.

The play area that usally had 10-15 children running around play fighting had  three and none of the three where my brother. I figured he'd be around the area so I decided to call out for him.

" momsoo" I called but no answer . I gave it another call again. but this time I shouted louder.

"Mika" . The little boy timba said . He and my brother where play friends. So I assumed he'd no where I could find him.

" momsoo went into the jungle to pick flowers  , he didn't come back". He said

" he didn't come back? How long ago was this?". I asked he rounded it up to around an hour ago. I nodded and thanked him for the information.

What is mamsoo thinking , by this time the the sky was practically dark as the sun started. Falling asleep.  The namptu roam the jungles looking for children I better find him before he gets to far. Hopefully by the time I get back the stew will have finished.

" timba what direction did mamsoo go in". He pointed northeast.

I walked in the direction that timba had pointed in. I was careful to listen to any sounds a little boy might make. But to be honest it was dark and with all the rumors surronding the capturings I was scared.  I walked deeper into the jungle  the grass getting higher and harder to walk thorough.

" mamsoo" I called as I walked on.

" mamsoo" I called again but still no reply.

" aaaaaaaaaaah". I heard someone scream I recognized it as his . Due to kids tending to scream for no reason when playing.

" mamsoo" . I called as I bolted in the direction of the noise. I stopped when I stumbled upon a camp site. It was the namptu. They really weren't lying. they where hard to look at. I watched as one men pushed my brother and threatened him with a machete. His eyes watered and his screaming turned into muffled whines.

I decided there was nothing I could do to help him except go back and get help. I turned to run but my view had been obstructed my a tall , dark and revolting figure he looked me dead in the eye and grabbed me.

I let out a blood. Curtling scream.

" ha, ha, ha, ha" I panted waking up in a cold sweat . I looked around, my environment before the dream still the same. I was still in a wooden cage going to who knows wear. I watched as the man with the strange eyes continued directing the horse. I thought the white men looked odd but the yellow men where even odder. I had witnessed the man who had bought me eating his meal with two sticks the other day.

The only thing in common my dreams or should I say nightmares had with my current reality was the night sky. I looked up at the moon wondering what my brother maybe up to. I hadn't seen him since they separated us months us ago. The namptu had sold him to a white man and me a yellow. A yellow who sold me to my current holder.

Atleast this yellow treates me better then the first. Since he bought me I have recieved three meals a day and water whenever I request. He even gave me this book with weird handrighting inside. I thinks he thought I would use it to pass the time, but how could I read when I'm this uncertain of my future.

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