episode 10: Love

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                   Episode 10:love

" come again". I had definitely heard him wrong

" I'm getting married".he Said

Married, as in husband and wife. How ?, when?, where?, who? I was the only the prince in the prince's life I was sure of it. So when did he have time to meet a girl. Then he definitely can't  be in love with me. I told chae ryung it was all a misunderstanding . Still when did he meet this women?

" I don't understand".I said in confusion

" my father,  thinks it's time I settled down . Soon I'm going to be king and I need a queen".he said

" so how long have you two known eachother".I asked

" we don't know eachother , my father chose her the ceremonies gonna be at the end of the month". He said

" oh, well are you happy" I asked

" I have to wed a women I barely know, do I look happy".he said

We didn't  really speak much on it, in fact we completely dropped the conversation as soon as it started. I went to bed that night completely unable to sleep. I couldn't  help but think, he's getting married, what happens to me. I was use to being the only person of significance to him. I kept replaying the day he thought I had left him but got lost, in my head.

I remember being so annoyed that day. I rember the anger and hurt on his face. I rember what he said to me
"You,your mine".  "You,you can't  leave me". I rember thinking at that time I was trapped. Honestly it was the most sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. I smiled to myself thinking those thoughts. He would always buy me something , always thinking of me. I was a gift that word really is the nicest way of saying an object. Sure he was possessive , not even he was just afraid I'd  leave. Most of the time I'd get a choice, to whatever it is I wanted to do. Sure it wasn't like that in the beginning but honestly I can truly say that he's become someone significant to me as well.

I let out a laugh as I thought about the time he got mad because I was refusing to act like his "gift" as he would put it. The way his face looked that day when he got mad and I was acting dumb , forever priceless. His eye brows will forever furrow when he's mad. The first day we played in the water , all our strolls through the garden , how he'd look after and before training and Setting up our meals for the day.

She'd better treat him like the future king he's  met to be. Guess he Dosn't need me around anymore he's got a whole wife now , soon he'll have kids,
I'll just be the old doll in the cabinet that he stopped playing with. I snapped  out me thoughts and relised my face was wet. I was crying , I wiped my tears away. Why was I crying this was the man I was given to as a play thing I should've knew this day would come, no one plays with toy's forever. The truth was maybe all I am is a toy but where I am in my life, no family, no country, no rights, he's really all I had he's just as significant to me as I am to him. Maybe even more.

Why did this always have to happen to me . Why am I always left with nothing but memories of the people I love. I layed there and cried that night . Wishing I was dead , honestly death would've been better then reliving abandonment and separation.


" the prince will be busy today, he told me that he'll come see you as soon as he can".chae ryung said

She said that two weeks ago. I hadn't  seen the prince face to face for 16 days. I'd  been eating alone,I would even call it eating I had just been drinking tea. as days passed by I came to relise my fears. Our time togather was over I rember crying the 6th day. I had to face it , I wasn't even talking to anyone not even chae ryung I gave her the days off , poor things gonna work herself into the ground if I let her.

I had to get used to this feeling I wanted it to become something I could deal with, I wanted it to become numb to me. So that if it ever happened again I wouldn't cry or feel that weight in my chest. I think I'm  finally beginning to accept it now. It hurts but it'll pass eventually.

I let out a sigh I'd  been sturring the tea in my cup forever was I ever gonna drink it. What makes things worse is the ceremony is in two days .
He could've atleast waited till after to throw me away.

*Knock knock*

I turned around looking at the door . I told chae ryung to take another day off.

"Come in".I shouted still facing my tea

" long time no see ". The familiar voice said I felt my eye's start to sting and the weight in my chest return , anger rose up inside of me I got up and started hitting him.

" you bastard how dare you" I said hitting his chest he seem uneffected but that didn't  stop Me from continuing my assault.

" 16 days you haven't seen me then you show up as if everything's fine " I yelled he grabbed my hands restraining me .that didn't ecessarily stop me from trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

" your evil, I couldn't leave so you did .you promised me the best treatment you liar" I yelled as tears wildly slid down my cheecks it seemed as if he wasn't  say anthing, but just watching me as he restrained me from hitting him.

" you lied, I can't believe you, you said I was a gift, more like an old toy".

" you're leaving me with nothing don't  you get that"

"You made me care about you , you forced me to spend time with you"

" this is wicked, your all I have now and this is what you do" I went on and on ranting my heart out until I started to cough from over exertion followed by panting.

He still hadn't  said a word , I'd never been so annoyed in my entire life he just should there a look of shock and observence on his face.

" say something " I yelled. it took him a minute but words actually came out of his mouth.

" I love you".he said

I stood infront of him confused as if the word where foreign to me. He walked up to lowered his face to mine and began kissing me. At first I was shocked but I closed my eyes and melted into it . His soft pink lips in that moment everything became clear I fell in love with a prince.

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