episode 8: two can play that

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        Episode 8: two can play that

well I thought I'd lost my possession , what's a man to do besides look for what's rightfully his". I mimicked as I paced back and forth in my chamber.

I may have to follow him around but I don't have to entertain him, I won't joke, talk, laugh or listen to his problems. It'll seem as if I'm not there every meal will be boring and silent. Every walk will have dry to no conversation. I may have to be with him, but  I won't be with him in the way he'd like. Since he wants to play the I own you game. Two can play that.
A couple days later.......

I took a seat across from him in the study , he had just finished bathing in the bath spring after some hard training. Perfect time for conversation and a good meal. Well that isn't what's about to happen. He set my food out infront of me and poured my drink in my cup, before taking a seat.

" how's your day?" He asked I don't know why he's still trying at this point , he knows I'm just gonna continue to perpously bore him.

" alright" I answered dryly taking a sip of juice. I began eating my food as he watched me eat. He Seemed to be getting annoyed.

" you and chae ryung seem to be getting along well" . He said in another effort to start conversation.

" we are". I replied then went back to eating . I chewed feeling somewhat victorius. But based on the annoyment on the prince's face I could tell something was going to happen.

" I'm having your chambers changed".He said I wasn't sure if this was just him saying something he thought would get reaction out of me, or was he actually moving my chambers so I kept my facade on.

" sounds good". I replied taking a sip of my juice.

" what exactly are you playing at". He said

" nothing I'm just eating". I replied

" your not just eating".he said I looked around the room , at the table , then at my food, playing dumb.

" well I mean I'm breathing and drinking as well but mostly eating".I said smirking in my head , man it was fun pushing his royal buttons.

" for days every conversation, every meal, every stroll has been dull this is the first time in days you've responded to me with more then a two worded reply". He said

" I really don't understand what you want from me, I have meals with you, I walk with you , I spend most of my days with you nothing diffrent from before".I said

" you do understand what I want from you, that's exactly why your doing this, but I'm putting my foot down, this stops now ". He said I let out a scoff .

" what exactly stops now, I do everything you ask". I said

" don't play dumb with me , you either stop this now or face punishment".he said

" punishment? For not talking to you, for not laughing with you. Your life can't be that sad". I yelled his facial expression changed from mad to hurt then to mad again

" fine since you want to be a regular servant so badly , you'll be a water maid for two weeks . Then when you've had enough i'll gladly accept your apology and things can go back to the way they where" he said

" water maid?, it has to be better then being around you". I said boldly, little did I know.
I sat there in the public hot spring rubbing and rinsing and scrubbing and washing clothes . It had  been 5 days since the argument.five days of laying down in a hot spring heavy garments with 30 other women scrubbing , rubbbing and rinsing clothing. The dirty water from the clothing would get on me and often cause me to itch. The conditions of the heated enviroment also caused me to sweat I felt like the sun was litterally next to me.

I've heard the other water maids talk about me, a portion of them glare and give me funny looks , but the other portion dosn't really care. My hands would often hurt from all the hours worth of scrubbing. The crown prince would come by and watch me for a little bit of time. I'd try to show him that the work wasn't getting to me. But Honestly it all was.

I'd taken some time to think about everything and as bad as things are honestly they could've been worse. He treats me well, I'm fed whenever I request, I'm dressed in new garments everyday, I'm pretty much treated 10 if not 100 times better then the servants in the palace, and all he asks is that I be his friend or as he likes to put it " gift". I just gotta face the music I'm never seeing my family again and out of everything that could've happened to me this isn't the worst. It's just sometimes he can be so insensitive and demanding he has to constantly throw it my face.

" your mine".

"You belong to me".

" I controll you".

" I'm a royal".

As if I didn't already know all that, the worse part of this is after working in this damn spring I can't even go back to my chambers. Cause apparently.

" the chambers are for royals , goverment officals, noble family members, and gifts and seeing as your going to be a servant for the next two weeks y'all have to sleep where they sleep".

Huh sometimes I really do hate him. I began walking to the shed that housed 30 of us , when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

" mika". I turned around to face the baby faced prince.

" your majesty".I said bowing I normally didn't but seeing as I was a servant I had to show him I was embracing my new role.

" I'd hope you'd seen the error of your ways and I'm waiting to hear my apology". He said smiling

" your majesty if I had seen the error of my ways i'd of come seeking you out and apologized ". I said his smile fell.

"How long are you gonna keep this up, I can see your struggling just admit it you don't wannabe here". He said

" as long as it takes if It means I don't have to be around you someone who's constantly reminding me that I'm his object".I said I turned around to leave when my arm was grabbed making me turn back around.

" I remind you so you won't leave". He said

" and where exactly would I go, it's not like I could blend in with your people, it's not like I have a ship" . I said thats when he mumbled something but I don't think he thought I understood what he ment by it.

" my mom found a way".

" your majesty I've got to go to bed I have to get up early and wash clothing". I said turning around to leave but once again I was grabbed by the arm.

" the truth is I miss you and my meals haven't been the same your the only real break I get from being a prince and I was hoping to get you to apologize so you'd be my gift again and I would have to seem like the  "lonely man child" You think I am ".he said I immediately felt bad , maybe he wasn't the only insensitive one here.

" fine I'll come back but under some conditions".I said he cocked an eyebrow

" alright but don't get crazy"he said which caused me to laugh

" no more referencing me as yours , I already know I am no need to remind me, and Free range over the palace I get to go on long walks and to the market place". I said

" deal but you can only go on long walks and to the market place if chae ryung accompanies you". he said I nodded my head in agreement and we started laughing . Maybe a small part of me had missed him to some extent

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