episode 7: lonely man child

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Episode 7: lonely man child

I didn't think it was real, I honestly thought I had dreamt the whole thing. But I hadn't, everday I recieved a new hanbok , today's hanbok was lime green and blue. He even gave me my own servant, But where more so friends , but she insists on doing things for me still. I still felt like a foreigner in this land i still recieved looks , glares and curious touches from the bewildered but other then that I felt like a royal.

All this because he's fascinated with me should I take it as a compliment or should I be worried. He's a lot nicer to me now a days , I still have my meals with him, we joke around sometimes and laugh but he dose have his moments where he can be very controlling for instance two days ago.

I had just finshed having morning meal with him. He told me he had a meeting to attend with his father. I told him I'd be going back to my room. We went our seprate ways and that's when I had a plan. Instead going to where I probably wasn't going to do anything in , I decided why not go on a full tour of the palace.
Long story short I got lost, very lost. I found my back on the right path a couple hours later and when I came back someone wasn't to happy.

" where were you" . He yelled guards next to him.

" I went to look around" . I answered

" I thought you said you where going to your room". He said

" well I changed my , mind and decided to have a look around". I said his voice was getting louder and his eyebrows furrowed that was never a good sign.

" what if you got lost". He yelled

"I did now i'm back". I yelled getting annoyed . Thats when I was grabbed by the wrist and dragged into the nearby study.

"Ow" I yelled his grip . Still tight as ever . We got inside and he let go.

" what's wrong , have I not given you everything you've wanted. You recieve a hanbok everyday, food whenever you request, I gave you a bigger sleeping chamber .Did I do something?He asked

I was confused as I looked at him still holding my wrist.

" I'm not your doll , minseok , you can't just send me to my room and take me out whenever you want company". I yelled

" so you try to leave". He accused pain written on his face.

" leave I just went on a walk, that I came back from". I said in my defense. It was in that moment that everything came to relization he had abandonment troubles.

" I thought you'd left, I was about to send the guards to search for you, I thought the palace was ambushed and you'd been captured . DON'T ever do that again". He said emotion laced in his voice, as he yelled the last part.

I watched his face red, brows furrowed and chest rising up and down . I wasn't mad if anything I felt bad I'd never seen him this emotional. But over me, I'd only known him two months now. It can't have been over me it had to be bigger then that and it was.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. It took him a second but he hugged back. " you, your mine you" you can't leave me ".

" please don't try to". He said

Later on that night I had found out the back story to his behaviour, from my new friend chae ryung.

" do you know what caused him to act that way". I asked chae ryung

" well the princes story is a sad one , i'd known the prince growning up my whole life serving the palace. When he was young before his mother Queen Yoo died the prince had two best friends. Jiho, and seon. You see those where the only two kids that weren't afraid to play with him. Most kids where told not to play with the crown prince in fear of angering him or injuring him during a game.

They didn't want to feel the wrath of the royal family. Then queen Yoo died and then king taejo forced the prince at a young age to lead a grown up life style. He was to study, train , learn poltics fore someday he to would be king. His friends jiho and seon soon left him after his mom died and his father wouldn't allow anything to be a distraction to him." Chae ryung said

" how'd his mother die". I asked curiously

" suicide, they say she couldn't stand the fact that the king would sleep with concubines then come to touch her at night". Chae ryung answered my hand quickly covered my mouth.

" so his mom left him, then his friends, what about his relationship with his father?" I asked

" what relationship they only talk on matters reguarding the country other then that there hardly seen togather".she explained I shook my head in comprehension.

I understood why he was so fixated on the idea of keeping me around and near. I was the one thing for sure , he thought could never escape him. I was his gift.

" you look pretty". He smiled looking at me , his eye's holding that childish like wonder.

" I don't feel pretty". I replied as we strolled through the royal garden.

" why?" He questioned looking at me.

" everywhere I go , I'm looked at , touched at, glared at, stared at, I feel like a living target". I said

" most people have never seen someone like you, your rare that's why they look" . He said

" I'm not rare , stop saying that". I snapped he watched me for a minute after my sudden outburst.

" there's a place filled with people who are just like me, I juat don't belong here I'm not a yellow person". I said

" yellow person?" He asked confused

" it's what my kind call your kind where I'm from". I informed . He nodded his head in understanding.

" no one belongs anywhere the earth belongs to everyone, everyone comes here, everyone dies here". He said wisely. It was honestly the most mature thing I'd ever heard come out of his mouth.

"thats very hypocritical coming from you, I took a walk and u where ready to burn.the whole country down." I said

" well I thought I'd lost my possession , what's a man to do besides look for what's rightfully his". He said

" rightfully, I was taken from my home and sold and then given to you, a lonely man child, there's nothing right about it". I yelled

" get used to it cause you belong to this lonely man child. I'd becareful how you talk to this man child he still has authority over you and is a royal". He said reminding me of his postion of power. I let out a scoff.

" I belong to no one especiallly not you".I said thats when everything changed and suddeny it got dark.

He grabbed my face and made it so I was looking at him straight in the eyes. " you are mine , don't get any ideas , weather you like it or not you are stuck with me".He said the most serious I'd everseen him. This side of him seemed dark and intimidating.he let go of my face. He started walking ahead .

" I hate you". I said in anger . I felt like an object , a play thing, less then human no choice in my own existence and I blamed him.

" hate me , love me, either way your mine" he said walking lead.

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