episode 9: a wife

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                   Episod 9: a wife

It had been two months since the whole water maid incident. Me and the prince have bumped heads but nothing nearly as major. He did move my chambers , there now next to his. I'd been visiting the market place with chae ryung getting decorations for the chamber ,buying sheets , hair pins, tie',s, just about anything that looked pleasing to the eye. I'd started decorating the walls and hanging paintings. Though this wasn't home, this wasn't as bad.

" knock, knock" my head turned to the direction of the door.

" come in". I shouted the door opened and chae ryung walk through. She was holding sheets in her hands.

" the prince said he was passing by yesterday and brought these for you there made of the finest silk and thought they where deserving of your new chamber, he also told me to tell you that you won't be seeing him until dinner he's going to be spending the day with his father in a meeting". I nodded my head , she handed me the sheets I neatly placed them inside my storing cabinet.

I apparently had the day to myself then, what to do? I'd been to the market place so much it was starting to lose it's luster. I then hatched a brilliant idea the prince would be gone for the day so why not be a little nosey.

" chae ryung come with me , I've got an idea". I said we left my chambers and walked to the prince's nearby ones there where no guards arounds , so we entered.

" what are you doing". She asked

" just having a look around while his majesty is away".I said

" I don't think that's a good idea, we should head back". She said I frowned chae ryungs always had to be the cautious one.

I opened one of the chests by his bed it looked like a serious one . Seeing as it had a lock I'm assuming he forgot to lock it or lost the key.

" what are you doing we'll get in serious trouble". She said I could here the nerve and fear in her voice, but we had already come a long way , why back out now?

I rummaged through the chest and shortly after doing so came upon an illustration, it bared a striking resemblance to me. I held the picture up.

" chae ryung, dose this look like me".I said holding it in the air.

" I..I..I... Suppose it dose".chae ryung seemed to be getting really antsey.

then I found a folded sheet of paper, I unfolded it to reveal strange symbols. I studied it trying to figure it out using the knowledge of my own language and failed.

" chae ryung , are you able to read this". I asked

" yes". She said taking the parchment into her hand and reading it. I stood there as she began speaking what was written outloud.

" the heaven's have finally blessed me , now my days are filled with joy, laughter and smiling, they have finally shined there light upon me in a form that is her. Her sunkissed skin , smooth and unflawed just as her spirit. As stubborn as an ox and as furious as a warrior, fighting a just cause , as delicate and graceful as a flower . What have I done to deserve such a gift . I want her in more ways then one , I can't have what I won't but I'll accept it in any and every form she comes". She said

" i'm confused" .I stated

" it's a love poem, for you".she said

" for me how do you know it's for me".I said in denial

" my days are filled with joy laughter and smilling, her sunkissed skin, what have I done to deserve such a gift, weren't you given to him on his birthday by the scholar". Chae ryung said.

I mean I knew we where good friends but he can't seriously be in love with me, sure he treated me well, bought me things and could be controlling but in love, with me , that's a reach.

I put everthing back and we headed out of the princes chambers before anyone could notice we'd entered. We went into my room.

" I want her in more ways then one" that part playing in my head. What dose that even mean. He couldn't possibly be in love with me not with all these pretty yellow women around.

" chae ryung lets go to the market place ". I suggested she nodded

In love, with me, what's  so special about me. I know I'm  different but that depends on what you call normal where I'm  from I'm  normal, here I'm  different.

I turned to the corner and looked at the item's  I'd  just bought. For godsakes you have an allowance mika. If anything your his glorified house pet.


I turned to face the door. " come in". I shouted from where I was laying down. It was him, he was carrying a basket in hand. Wait a minute it can't be dinner time already.

" you weren't  in the study". He said closing the door behind him.

" oh, is it dinner already. I've  completely lost track of time".I said sitting up

" well , you want to go to the study or is it all right if we eat in here".Minseok asked

" let's  eat here".I said not really feeling like getting up.  We sat on the floor and I watched as he began setting things up. I liked watching him set up our meals, watching him focus on properly doing it as if he was afraid of getting it wrong. Humbling himself with the task as if he wasn't a royal but someone ordinary. Or a severant.

"So what did you do today?" He asked putting rice his mouth. I watched him chew while he waited for response. I never understood how he could look both young and mature. His face was very pretty, he had very smooth healthy skin. His eye's weren't  really helping his youthful appearence. 

" I went to the market again. Looking for anything  I hadn't  yet spotted". I said he laughed

" they should've had you decorate the palace".he joked his heart shaped smile revealing bough his gums and teeth. He really did look innocent. I laughed alongside him.

" do you like the sheets , I got you".he asked

" yes, chae ryung gave them to me this morning. I put them in my cabinet I've decided to use them on special occasions ".I said after I responded we took a few minutes to eat.

"How was your meeting".I asked I watched as his face dropped and he looked down. Did something happen I wondered his entire mood just dropped.

" yeah , actually I'm getting married".he said

" come again " I said I'd  definitely  heard him wrong.

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