episode 3: celebration

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Episode 3: celebration

I stood there as they wrapped me in new garments. The process just as annoying as the first time. These garments where blue and white. Though they where much different from what I was use to wearing. I had to admit they had there own beauty. But the amount of layers where heavy and I wasn't used to it.

They stuck pins in my hair and laid down a bead like necklace on my head. When they where done the women smiled at me. Probaby marvelling at her work as if I where some vase. I didn't know about any of the customs but one thing I had notice was that the yellow people tend to bow alot.

They escorted me out of the chamber. As we walked to where ever we where headed I couldn't help but be in aww at the structures . As we walked past them. One of the yellow women tapped my shoulder as we where walking.

" when you meet any member of the royal family refer to them as your majesty and when you meet the prince greet him properly". The women said . She looked to be around my age . How many servants dose this place have?

We stopped at what I asumed to be the royal palace they spoke of. They where man standing infront of the door blades at there sides. I figured they where guards. In that second the full reality of the situation struck me.
I was about to meet this prince, I was about to meet the man who controlled my fate. What if he has me killed? or thrown into one those cages I was in? Or the worst possible thing of all become his concubine.

I'd rather take my life then become an object for him to seek sexual gratification. The last sceneario would only happen literally over my dead body. The guards nodded there heads and one of the yellow women leading th group opened the door. We all walked in one by one . I watched as the guards tried to pretend they weren't eyeing me, but I could see them stealing glances.

As soon as we walked in we where faced with two thrones and large tables filled with food. I watched as everyone bowed. I then realised that I two was to bow as well.

After bowing the servants brung me to the scholar who I hadn't noticed was in the room. I eyed the man sitting on the chairs he was significantly older then me, was I his gift . Was he to be the one who I was to belong to. He seemed to be around the same age if not a bit older then my grandmother. The thought of being touched by someone that old made want to dig deep down into my gut and hurl last nights meal.

" the guest of honor shall be arriving shortly" the man sitting on the fancy chair said

So it wasn't him the old man wasn't the prince. So then what was he the king or something. It didn't matter all that mattered right now is this prince fellow and whatever he plans to do with me.

The door opened and everyones head snapped in the direction of the sound. In walked 3 men the one in the middle looking to be over dressed compared to the other two. His garments where black and gold. I couldn't really get a good look at his face due to the people infront of me.
Surely he was the prince. He walked to where the old man was and took a seat next to him. Thats when I got a clear look at his face.

 Thats when I got a clear look at his face

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He was bough handsome and beautiful. His eyes where like to big almonds . His high cheeck bones his olive tan glow. His straight eye brows.

" you may begin the gift granting ceremony" . The old man said

Just then I was the scholar grabbed my hand and walked me to the middle of the room.

" I your majesty present you with a treasure from the land of africa". The scholar said bowing. I two bowed not sure if I where ment to or not.

" ah, so she's the one the palace has been raving about". The prince said eyeing me.

" yes I purchased her from the black market for a hefty sum, is your majesty not pleased". The scholar asked.

The prince got up from his seat and walked over to me. He stopped infront of me and leaned in. Our faces where an inch or two apart his eyes looked into mine and mine his. I tried not to show any signs of fear. But my heart was ready to leap out of my chest. He then decided to circle around me as if he was stalking prey.
His face looked very child like . And innocent hopefully his mind was. He stopped infront of me again.this time lifting my chin and moving my face side to side as if inspecting me.

" africa you say" the prince asked. The scholar nodded

" dose she have a name? ". The prince asked

" not that I know of". The scholar replied

" Mika". I whispered

" hmm" the prince said turning to face me.

" Mika". I said but this time louder.

" mika ". He  said looking at me . To see if he had said it correctly. I nodded and he smiled. Even his smile worked with his other features to make him look innocent and young.

" take mika to my study".he said I stood there puzzled what was a study and before I knew it I was being taken by servant women to the door from which I had entered.


I sat there on a chair in a room that was more book then room. I knew they where guards outside so there was no point in trying to escape. It felt like I'd been here for hours. Now that I knew who this crown prince was, one question still remained. Whats he gonna do with me? And why to send me to a room with many books?

I was pulled out of thought , when I heard the door open. It was  him he was carrying a basket. He walked to the table I was sitting at and pulled out the chair infront of me.

" here". He said pushing the basket in my direction. I just sat there looking at his face ignoring the gesture of what was probably food.

" are you not hungry ". He asked

" I'm more scared then hungry" . I admitted it was time to find out his majestes plans.

" scared of what exactly". He asked

" whatever it is you might be planning to do with me, I'll have you know I'm no ones concubine" I said . I watched as he began to laugh. His laughter to only add to his youthful appearence, But I wasn't going to let that get in my head looks can be deceiving.

" I'm the crown prince, I don't need a concubine". He said

" then what do you plan on doing with me". I asked

" whatever I want I suppose, you are my gift" . He said smiling. His answer struck a cord I wasn't some toy gor him to play with.

" I'm not some toy". I yelled. He seemed taken back by my outburst and frowned. His face resembling that of an upset child.

" I'm the crown prince you do not raise your voice at me, I could have whipped for just that". He yelled

I calmed down after he said that. The last thing I wanted to endure was a whipping.

" now your going to eat the food I so graciously brung to you and answer the questions I have". He said I nodded

" no you answer me , yes your majesty". He corrected

" yes ,your majesty". I said

" good you learn quickly". He said smiling his child like innocence returning. I knew I'd have to be careful with him.

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