episode 2: new lands

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               Episode 2:new lands

"Mmmmm" I mumbled as I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and my vision cleared . It was the yellow man, I looked around . after stoping village after village we had finally reached our destination.

I watched as women and men in long garments helped unload things from the cart. The yellow man helped me out of the cage ,he had been keeping me in. Then a yellow women appeared infront of us. She eyed me as if studying some rare creature. I thought it'd be me who ought to be acting that way. Before my capturing I thought everyone looked like me. I didn't know there where other types of people in the world.

The lady skin seemed whiter then that of the white men I had seen. But her eyes where almond shaped like the yellow man's ,but hers seemed larger.

" is this the gift , that you've bought the prince from the land africa" .she said looking at me she seemed to be clueless when looking at me.

" where did you find such a person" . She asked

" I got her from a trader at the market on the silk road" . The man informed

" oh are the others of her kind as dark as she is". The women asked

" they're are some even darker then she". The scholar informed.the women seemed very intrigued by me.

" never the less she is beautiful, I hope the crown prince is happy with your gift" the women said.

I stood there listening. So I'm a gift to a prince. The yellow people have a prince and I'm his gift. I felt like an object and suddenly horrible events started to occur in my head. Was I to become the yellow princes concubine. Surely some one of a royal background would have no need for a concubine . He probably has thousands of yellow women throwing themselves at his yellow feet.

I started crying I'd never been touched before and I didn't want want my first time to be some royal yellow man raping me.

The yellow man and women eyed me . As silent tears rolled down my face.

" aww poor things , crying she probably misses her family" the women said

" this is the first time I've seen her cry, she's probably thinking about something painful, ah well she'll soon get use to living here" . The yellow man said

" should I have a servant tend to her and prepare her for the prince's celebration tomorrow" . The women asked the man nodded and the yellow women grabbed my hand.

I was in one of the yellow people's chambers. I sat down I had been forced into there colorful garment. They had seemingly attacked me and forcing my clothes off. I tried to fight them off but they over powered me in number. They had put me in a huge bathing room with a big body of water and showered me as if I where in my infancy . I felt like an alien as they curiously poked around my body ignoring my signs of annoyment.

They had gathered all my hair and put it into a high as they call it " bun" . And decorated my hair with jewels, and beads. They had left me in the room with my own thoughts after violating my rights to my own body.

I sat there , debating my chances of survival in the yellow people's kingdom. I'd never been so humiliated . The way those women forced my clothes off and poked around at me. Is.this the type of place that imposes there will on people.

As I thought about myself my thoughts crossed my brother. It had been 5 months since I'd seen him. I still rember his cries as he was ripped out of my grasp and taken.to the white men. I rember being.in denial about the situation thinking I hadn't been captured but instead was day dreaming in my room and would eventually snap back into reality. But that reality never came instead this one just became more acute each day.

My fate lies in.the hands of these yellow people and as much as I'd hate to say it. I practically belong to.them. I wonder if my brother is better off .

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the chamber door opening. It was one of the yellow women . She walked inside holding a basket and by the smell of it she was here to give me a meal. She sat the basket down infront of me bowed and left. I eyed the basket I was hungry but  to stressed to eat.

So far outside of forcing me to dress in these  colorful garments they hadn't done me much wrong. They where still consistently feeding me even though it had only been a day here.

I opened the basket and saw two sticks inside. They looked  like the sticks the scholar man had been eating with the trip here. Surely they didn't expect me to eat with sticks . This land truley is strange to eat with sticks of all objects. I ignored the sticks and removed the meal from the basket . It consisted of rice, meat and a strong smelling red substance.

I picked the food up with my hands and began to eat. The red substance was hot to the tongue but tasted very well. I tried my best to not get the garment dirty in fear of having to go threw the same process I did getting it on.

As I was eating someone walked inside it was another yellow women . I'd seen many yellow people today. Though the place seemed really big how many could there be living here.

" aighish, don't eat with your hands". She said I stopped eating an eyed her waiting to see what she'd do next. She picked up the chopsticks on the ground lying next to me.

" you eat like this". She said grabbing the two sticks and picking up a piece of meat with it. She then handed me the sticks waiting to seem me do as she has demonstrated.

I didn't know what punishment would  lye if I did it wrong or refused to do it. " I'm not hungry" I said which had been the first words I had spoken in this land.

She nodded and began gathering the food." i'll have another servant teach you how to eat with chopsticks" . She said as she picked up the left overs that I had secretly wanted and set it back inside the basket. She bowed and then proceeded to leave.

" wait" I said she turned around before stepping out.

"Yes" she asked

" what's this prince like?". I asked.hoping maybe she could give me some clue into what lyes ahead.

" well the crown prince is a very edcuated man, he knows three language reads alot and is skilled in martial arts" .she said

" martial arts?" I questioned I'd never heard the phrase before..

" martial arts is a type of fighting" she explained. I nodded my head. In other words I stand no chance against this man if it comes down to a fight for my life.

" is that all you know". I asked she nodded

" but I'm just a servant you'll be meeting his majesty tomorrow at his birthday celebration". She inforned . I nodded my head and she bowed a second time and left.

His majesty, a prince, I wonder what he'll do with me.


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