episode 6: calm the river

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             Episode 6: calm the river

Episode 6: calm the river

It had been a few days since the incident and not once has he sent for me or came to see me. I'm hopeful that he's forgotten my existence, but I doubt that he has. My days have been spent by the pond aimlessly thinking about the past and reminiscing good memories. My pain soon faded after the flogging but I'm afraid the other pain still exists. The humiliating , degrading , dehumanizing pain still lingers.

Tied up to a post like a pig , to recieve punishment for a crime I had not comitted. No apology, no way of trying to show responsibility , nothing. They just walked away from the incident and left me to wallow in the after math of there bad decisions. Just the thought made me angry.

I sat there in my room morning meal should be arriving any second now, it usally dose. Well atleast on the bright side I don't have to do any work today.

*knock knock*

" come in" I shouted from atop my bed. I was expecting to see one of the servant girls carrying a basket, but instead I saw someone who made me lose my appetite.

"  long time no see".He said walking in shutting the door behind him. It had been 7 days since the incident and for seven days I'd been rid of him I guess there right nothing good lasts forever.

" come have morning meal with me ". He said standing infront of me as if nothing had ever happened , I just wanted to make his beautiful face ugly.

" are you asking or telling". I replied

" I'm asking". He said I could see that his face had guilt written all over it. That's if I'm reading it correctly and if I am then he should feel guilty , the lazy bastard.

" in that case no". I responded

" well now i'm ordering you, to have lunch with me". He said

" what exactly is it do you want from me, you want me to deliver something, clean something, pick up after you, entertain you . I'm tired of being your puppet so if your gonna kill me do it . Cause I won't be having lunch with you and since you just ordered me to . I guess I'm defying a royal order behead me". I yelled

" you never make anything easy , aish it's always problems with you . What I want is you to have lunch with me and you will even if the guards have to drag you to the study, now I suggest you get up before I have them do so." He said

Maybe I was wrong it wasn't guilt I was reading ,it was probably arrogant crown prince donkey.The two look the same on him. Seeing as I had no choice in the matter I got up and followed him out of my chambers.

We walked to the study, and sat in our usall seats . The guards stood outside the door as usall and his majesty was setting up the food. He put my food infront of me and then once again took the seat across from mine.

" so how's your back? I trust the doctor treated you well with herbs". He said taking a piece of meat into his mouth.

" what do you care about my back your the cause of the injuries to it". I said bluntly

" from my understanding you where arrested along the palace wall the dragon statue was 10 minutes walking  time from where you where arrested, and I know you saw the statue it's hard to miss". He said

" the only thing I saw was a giant demon lizard and I walked off to find the statue". I said

" the so called demon lizard was the lion statue".the prince argued

" I come from africa I've seen actual lions that staue looked like a monster". I said in my own defense

" well I could see where you might've gotten confused but it's the nearest staue from the path I sent you,you should've just figured that, that was it and followed the other directions". He said . Was he really trying to pin this on me as if my mistakes caused this to happen.

" but servant arn't suppose to deliver royal gold anyways, thats the job of a royal or a royal offical , I got whipped for stealing". I yelled . He stayed slient after that .

" be that as it may , we can't change the past . We can only look towards the future". He said that one really ticked

" easy for you to say , you didn't have to endure the humilating , dehumanizing. Feeling of being beaten 210 times with a stick as you cried in pain waiting for it to end for a crime you didn't commit".I yelled getting up.

"Ok but there's nothing I can do to change that, why do you think that I've been avoiding you. I know it's my fault and if I had just delivered it myself like I was suppose to, you wouldn't have to have been beaten, but.im trying what do you want from me?". He yelled standing as well

" an apology some damn acknowledgement would be nice".I said

" well I can't". He said

" what do you mean, you can't?".

" your a servant , I'm a royal my actions are just your mines I can do whatever I want with you . I shouldn't even feel bad , but I do."

" well your feelings can't do anything for me can they , not a damn thing".I said

" they can't, but I can , I can promise you something right now". He said

" and that is".I said

" to treat you , the way your suppose to be treated , the way you where ment to be treated . Like a gift . Like the rare flower that you are".He said I sat there in shock , did he just call me a gift ,a rare flower.

" I can't believe I'm doing this". He said letting out a sigh. I watched him he seemed to be getting flustered and fidgety. As if he had something he needed to say but was holding it in.

" I have been fascinated with you since you arrival. Your beauty is like that of a flower that blooms once every ten years. I want know about you and I'll admit I had been using you for my personal gain but no more, from now on you'll recieve the best treatment"' he said I just sat there still not sure if I was dreaming or not.

" you want me to be your friend?". I asked

" no, I want you to be my gift". He said smilling his childish features shining through.

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