episode 4: personal servant

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         Episode 4: personal servant

I was sitting down in my room. The princes words repeating in my head.
" anything I want I suppose , you are my gift". That gummy white smile still flashing in my brain as well. I truly had no rights here. I was his cattle and if I didn't comply who knows what would happen.

I felt my eyes sting as my eye's started to tear up. God please tell me my brothers fate is better then mine. Since being here I've relised everything I'd taken for granted back home. The river bank where I'd fish with mamsoo, the clothing that wasn't nearly as hot or heavy. Not having to bow everytime I met someone new.

Suddenly the door swung open and it was him. The handsome bastard himself. He analyzed as tears streamed down my face. I quickly wiped them away using my forearm, but it was to late he had seen them. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

" your joining me for morning meal I have somethings I'd like to discuss, i'll give you time to.gather yourself". He said then turned around to leave. The fool didn't even bother to knock. Some prince he is, didn't they teach you manners your majesty.

I took in some deep breaths and decided that I needed to be strong in order to get through this.  I got up and and exited my chamber, there he was standing outside waiting for me.

" you gathered yourself quickly". He said awkwardly smiling.  I kept my head down and didn't say a word.

" well don't be rude". He said I looked at him what did he mean by that.

" greet your future king". He said smiling trying to show energy and status. The funny thing was he wasn't my king ,  this wasn't my kingdom more so my cage. I felt the need to say it but held it in instead giving him what he wanted.

" good morning your majesty". I said

" good morning mika". He said in return

We walked until we reached our destination which was apparently
The room with many books. I wondered why he brought me here to eat . We walked inside taking the same seats we took yesterday. I cold minute had passed by between us before conversation.

" the servants will be bring us food shortly we'll be having our meals in here from now on". He said

" our?". I questioned

" yes, our which brings me to the matter  I was going to discuss . I've decided what i'm going to do with you." He said

" and that is". I asked eyeing him waiting for his lips to move and tell me my fate.

" you are to be my personal servant". He said

" personal servant". I said out loud as if I didn't know what the word ment.

" yes a personal servant i-". But I cut him off before he could finish

" I know what a personal servant is , but what do I do". He said

" well you would get anything I send you to fetch, assist me in certain activities , entertain me when bored. Eat your meals with me ". He said

" assist you in certain activities?". I questioned

" the only real activity your gonna be assisting me with is my martial arts training . Probably fetching my swords if anything". He said

" what happens if I where to refuse". I asked

" should you be foolish enough to resist me a direct command from royal then you'd be receiving a punishment fitting of someone who dose so. He said

" and those punishments are". I asked for some reason wanting to what might  await me if I where to defy him.

" flogging, torture, and in extreme cases death". He said nonchalantly My eyes widend at the fact that I could recieve death , just by refusing to get him something.

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