Chapter 1: Damien

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"Come on squirt don't be like this"

I'm not gonna answer him, keeping my mouth shut is my goal....everyday.

"Auwhn sweetie, please say something....I know you can"

God, this guy is so irritating. Why does he want to repeat the same sentence over and over? It's not like I'll answer him anytime soon.

"I'll make it easier", he grins lifting up my chin," But for you and for me"

He crashes down, his sharp teeth locking on my neck scraping away the flesh until I bleed. I try to keep myself from screaming, from showing any weakness, but this hurts really bad. A high pitched scream escaped my mouth. 


"See...", he grins sweaping away the blood from his mouth," I knew you were able to produce sound"

I can't show any weakness, that would mean the end of me.  Covering the wound with my hand, I stare deep into his eyes. Those dark pools that hold no soul.

"Now now, don't give me that look squirt. I did it for your own good. Just give in and your pain will be over"

"I'll never give in to your kind", I snap.

A sly smile spreads across his face, his eyes trailing from my face to my body.

"Was that so hard?", he chuckled, "You just said an whole sentence my love"

"I'm not your love....I'm NOT YOURS!"

His smile grew broader seeing my anger, seeing me defy him.

"Do you want me to give you another mark, sweetheart?"

I shiver at the dark conviction of his words. He's so dark and coldhearted.

"That's what I thought", he smiled walking to the exit door," I'll send someone to clean you up"

"You're terrible", I whispered.

"Ooh thank you for the compliment sweetie", He winked one last time and left.

I cursed him with every useable word in my vocabulary. I wish he would die right this instant!

How long have I been stuck here already? I think it most be about 3 months, 3 months have passed since they ripped me from my home. 3 months since I saw my friends, my family, my animals....

I snap out of my thoughts when the door suddenly opens.

"Hey there", a soft voice calls, "Are you alright"

I burry my head further in my hands, builiding my wall of silence up again.

" need to talk. But could you please stand up?"

I refuse to stand up, I refuse to listen to them. They are the bringers of pain and sorrow. They are the ones who took me away.

"Please....I don't want to hurt you....I'm here to help you. Please stand up"

I take some deep breaths and rise from my spot, my hand still carefully pressed against my neck.

"Thank you. Would you mind coming over here and sitting on this chair?"

I take a seat on the chair, cringing when he tries to pull my hand away.

"I can't help you if you won't let me"

The guy takes place at my knees, pulling up my face.

"I don't know if you can speak or not, nor do I know what horrors you have faced. But I need you to trust me"

I can't say something, then I would be giving in to their demands.

"Owkay.....Let's try it this way", he smiles softly, "I'm Damien...I'm 20 years old and I want to help you. Now may I know yours?"

His soft voice and gently smile break down the wall I built up so carefully and I feel lost.

"I....I'm Lena"

In the name of science [[completely on hold due to rewriting]]Where stories live. Discover now