Chapter 3: A friend

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Stupid Stupid Lena! He's his brother! What the hell were you thinking?! Opening up to a total stranger, who turns out to be out your tormentors brother, like this! Think is time to build up your fortress of silence again.

"Please don't close up! I'm not like him...I would never hurt you in order to get what I want", he begs," Nor would I ever tell him about our conversation....please don't shut my out"

Would he mean what he's saying, or are it just empty words in order to persuade me to face him again, although I think he would enjoy the vision on my backside better.

"Please Lena"

There's only one way to find out.....I guess.

"That's it", he encourages me while I slowly turn around," Thank you"

I fold my hands in my lap, trying to stare a hole in the floor.

"Let's just forget about my brother and continue with the conversation... May I ask your age or would that be innapropriate?"

There! it happens again! He's making me laugh.

"I'm 16, going to be 17 on the 14th of march"

Shit, his eyes turn to saucers....did I do something wrong? I can't ask him, what if he gets angry? If he really the brother of....I dunno his name...he can do terrible things.

"Are you serious?", he breaths, "You're only 16?!"

I nod sheepishly.

"Goddamned", he bites smashing his hand against his lap.

"Oh god...sorry didn't mean to scare you", he quickly adds when he sees me shrink together.

I look up, biting my bottom lip. God, I feel so scared. He goes wrong kind to angry quite quickly.

"Don't be scared, I didn't mean to react that way....I'm just terribly mad at Zane at the moment..."

Zane? who the fuck is Zane?

"Zane is my older brother, the one you met before", he says when he sees my questioning face.


"He didn't tell you his name?"

No he didn't.

"You've been here for 3 months and he didn't tell you his name?!"

I shake my head. He didn't tell me anything, exept that he was quite fond of calling me his property.

"Poor girl", he whispered more to himself then to me, "You shouldn't be here"

Alright Lena gatter your courage and ask the question you want to ask for so long. Don't think just do!

"Why am I here?", I flop out.

He turns his gaze back to me, his eyes pearing into mine. They are such strange color, they are deep purple with a stroke of blue...wait why am I intrested in his eye color? Mental slap! Wake up Lena! Goddess, I'm really losing my senses, aren't I?

"Lena....", he kneels down at me feet," I'm afraid I can't tell you"

"If...if you really are my friend, you need to tell me"

I take a tough swallow as he leans in, his eyes clinging to mine. His arms and body are bowing me in. God, I was wrong that say that....He's gonna kill me for sure. His face is just 3cm away from mine. I call feel his breath on my face and the hairs in my neck stand up straight.

"I can't tell you", he breaths, " because I am your friend"

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