Chapter 7: Laurens

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Oh god, what time is it? I've fallen asleep...damnit. I stretch out and step out of bed. There's no window in here, can't see if it's dark already. I've gotten really confused from sitting a dark room for 3 months.

The door is opening! Hide yourself Lena, it could be Zane!

" there anyone in here?"

Keep still Lena, don't even breath! I just hope he doesn't walk to this side of the bed.

"Lena? You don't have to hide from me. Lena, are you in here?"

He knows my name, but I can't recognize the voice. It's not Damiens nor Zanes, but who else could possibly know my name?

"There you are"

I hear someone kneeling before me. I'm just gonna hind my face behind my hands, childish I know but it's the only thing I knew to do.

"I can't see your face if you hide behind your hands sweetie"

His voice sounds sweet and reminds me of when I first met Damien.

"C'mon I just want to see if you're alright. Which reminds should be sitting on the floor dressed like this, you're going to get sick"

Dear god Lena, act! Don't act like this, you seems to pathetic. Okay that's one hand, now the other. Good girl.

"Well there's a pretty face", he smiles.

See now atleast you can add a face to the voice. His face is different from Damiens, his face is round and his hair is quite dark and curly.

"Now that's done, can I help you on your feet?"

No Lena, staring at his hand won't help you any further. Just grab! Dear god, I really need to stop talking to myself like this. I think I'm starting the develop an extra me.

"It's alright.....I just want to help you get up"

I take this hand and crawl back to my feet, not very elegant but then again I never were.

"Alright, that's great! Now...would mind sitting down at the table, I've brought you somethng to eat"

FOOD! God, I'm starving! I didn't really realize untill now how hungry I really am.

"I hope you like fish"

I nod, I love fish, I practically survive on it since I don't like meat.

I dig in, happy to see some decent food.

"Wooow slow down sweetheart, or you'll stay in it", he chuckles.

He sits down opposite of me, but I can't care less. It's me and my food now.

"It seems as if you enjoyed that meal"

I nod thankfully. It really was delicious.

"So this may be a strange question, but euh are you able to speak?"

There we go again. Why can't people understand that I don't want to talk?

Soooo I'll just nod and maybe he'll get the hint.

"Owkey! Great! So....wanna have a chat?"

This guy isn't not great at picking up hints.

"Owh please? Pretty pretty please? with Sugar ? and a cherry?"

"Will you shut up if I do?"

"Yes", he smiles.

Silence. Well I'm not going to be the one starting the conversation, now am I?

"Owkay let's start of this way. I'm Laurens, niece to meet you"

"I'm lena", I answer shaking his hand, " but you already knew that"

"Indeed I've heard somethings about you..."

"Like the fact they kidnapped me"

"Yeah sorry for that sweetheart"

"SOrry isn't going help me get out of here!"

Super! Very well done! You just lashed out to one of the few people who can help you out of here.

"Sorry....for lashing out"

"Naaa it's alright. I understand why"

Man, how I've come to hate silence over the last three months.

" old are you? If you don't mind me asking ma'am"

"I'm sixteen years old, although I'll turn seventeen soon"

"That's the best age", he winks, " I'm 20 years old"

"You're from the same years as Damien"

"Well noticed. We're born on the same day, but we're not family"

"SO I gathered", I smile, " you look nothing alike"

"haha strange...some people take us for brothers"

No, he doesn't look like Damien at all. Damien with his broad chest, short blonde brown hair, those cute little pits in his cheecks....I feel a blush spreading across my cheecks.

"no", i whisper, "Not even close"

"whoooooo someone's in LUUUUUUUV", Laurens chuckles poking me.

"Tha....that's not true. I'm not in love with..."

SLAM! The door slams open

"Damien", I whisper under my breath.

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