Chapter 5: Babies

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No no no nononononoooooo! Please tell me I misunderstood what he just said! I must have misheard it, there's no other explanation.

"Look what you've done, she's gone into schok!"

I'm not in shock....wait I can't move my body....I can't even blink....what's the matter with me?

"It's alright Lena, just try to breath", I hear Damien say as he grabs my arm and forces me to sit down, "Just calm down"

Why can't I move? Dear god, I know that I didn't use to believe in you, but hope that you're there to to grant me some protectio, 'cause I'll fucking need it.

"She doesn't need you pampering Damien", bites Zane," Leave her to her master and she will be fine"

"You're not my master!", I whisper barely hearable.

"Don't force yourself to talk", Damien whispers in my ear, "No need to stress yourself"

"I have every reason to stress!" Seems as if I found my voice again.

"He better not said what I thought he said"

Zane walks over to me, stands me behind me and pulls my hair back.

"I. Want. You. To. Carry. My. Babies", his hot breath stings my ear," Do you understand it sweetie?"

FUCK! He really did say that he wants me ... well you know what I mean. For heavens sake, why me? I'm only 16 years old, I'm not ready to have a babe.

"Why? Why me?", I manage to bring out, suppresing some tears," I'm only sixteen...I'm to young to bare a child"

"Children, sweetest, children"

I can't believe the smirk on this guys face, he's really enjoying this whole situation.

"I chose you because I want you. You should be glad that you are to carry my children it's great honour. You should be glad to receive my s..."

"ENOUGH! Stop it Zane!"

"Are you going to command me my brother?"

I shiver when Zane slides his hand up my arm.

"Or could it be you desire her yourself?"

Damien shakes his head in disbelief. Guess he's has troubles believing to cruelties of his own brother, just like me.

"You're a fool Zane, you always have been. Where do you get the right to ruin this girls live?"

"I've claimed her. And you of all people should know I always get what I want"

I truly believe what he's saying, about him always getting what he want. Oh god, I don't want to receive his baby....I don't want to receive anyones baby.

"You can't just claim her, she's isn't property. She's a human being"

"She's my chosen one, no further discussion. The sooner she gives in the sooner I'll get my way"

Before I realize it Damien lifts me of the floor, craddling me in his arms.

"Ey! whatcha doing?", I squeek.

"Taking you away....from him"

Zane's laughing filled my ears. I have really came to hate that voice over the last months. The ways he laughs, as if he always has total control over everything.

"Hide her all you want Damien, she's mine and I will always find her. And when her find her she will be ready to do what she's asked to", he smirks while his eyes glide over my body," won't you honey?"

I wanna sat something but Damien cuts me off.

"She won't. I don't know how you live with yourself?"

"I don't brother, I will only live that sweet 16 year old you hold is filled up with me"

I know that Zane is only saying such things to provoce Damien, but his words seems so convincinvg sometimes.....I'm scared to hell.

"You disgust me.", Damien spits out while I clech my hands in his T-shirt, "She will never carry your babies... not as long as I'm alive"

"Prepare to die soon then brother"

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