Chapter 2: Conversation crime

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"Nice to meet you Lena. Now that we are properly introduced, would you mind taking your hand away?"

I take my hand away...why do I take my hand away?

"Good, let's clean that out first. This is going to sting would you like to squeeze my hand?"

I shake my head, as I said before I can show no weakness nor compassion towards them.

"Alright, still I'm gonna keep my hand up high, if it does hurt too much just grab it"

Not gonna grab it SHIT THAT HURTS! I grab his hand in a quick response to the terrible stinging in my neck. I swear I can hear him chuckle...I thought he was nicer then the other one, yet he seems a sadist just like him.

"I told you it was going to sting", he smiles gently, "Sorry, but the stinging will pass in seconds"

He's right, the stinging subseeds. I loosen my grip on his hand.

"You have quite a firm grip...", he chuckles rubbing his hand," for such little girl"

"I'm not little", I protest meekly.

"Well well Lena, are you starting a conversation?"

Keep up your guard Lena! No we don't want to start a conversation.

"Guess we are back to being silent huh?", he whispers, "No problem, I'll give you all the time you need"

He winks at me...why does he wink at me? I want to ask him why, but then I would be conversating, no?

"Could you tilt your head, please? It would make it a lot easier to bandage up your wound"

I do as he asks. I don't want to get sick, 'cause it would be an whole lot easier for them to break me.

"Thank you. Keep still for a few seconds please....there it's done"

He packs up his stuff and puts in back in the little aid-kit. He raises his head and somehow his eyes lock on mine.

"Now....doesn't that deserve a thank you?"

I should thank him, don't I? Would it be considered showing weakness or is it simple etiquette? Etiquette makes us human doesn't it? Ever since I've been here I think to much about the simpliest things. Just say it Lena, spit it out!

"Thank you"

Okay that came out very very silent, it's barely a whisper.

"You're very welcome. Now can I ask you a favour?"

I knew there had to be something behind it! All these people are the same, all they want is to break and use me.

"Don't give me such a foul look, I'm not going to ask you anything terrible", he smiles," I just want you to talk to me"

Talking? well I haven't had a decent conversation in 3 months. But talking is giving in...there I go again. Thinking waaaaay to much, I'm going paranoide.

"Please? Just a little chit chat"

God, he has those big begging puppydoy eyes. I really can't stand that, my friends also use it against me.


His smile grows broader.

"Terrific, let me just grab a chair"

"Alright let's talk", he smiles sitting next to me


"Alriiiight...I'll begin. You already know my name and age, so what else can I tell? Oh I know something! I like food, I eat like a mad man"

I tilt my head, doesn't seems like he eats a lot. He's so muscular.

"Don't look so suprised, there's a reason I have such big mouth, it's from stuffing so much food in"

I can't help myself, it's really funny what he just said. A little chuckle escapes my mouth. I'm shocked by my own reaction and quickly put my hand over my mouth.

"Laughing is not a crime you know, you may laugh if you think it's funny"

And there we go, I'm laughing again.

"Do you like food much? Or do you have a favorite dish or something?"

" mother makes the best Tiramisu ever", I whisper my head bown to my lap.

"MMMMMMM Tiramisu, that's a French dish isn't it"

"No it's not!", I laugh, "It's Italian"

"Ai stupid me, please punish me for making such stupid mistake!", he jokes, "You're Italian are you not?"

"My mother is Italian, but I don't look anyway like her"

"Then you must have a terribly pretty father, if you don't resemble to your mother"

I feel my cheeks turning red. Am I blushing? Oh god, I am.

"My father is Dutch and not exactly mister Universe"

"So you do resemble to your mother", he winks.

......................... Don't really know what to say, so there is my all to familiar friend again, silence. The silence in this room is what's really driving me mad. To here no music, sounds of nature, other's killing me.

"Do...Do you know the guy who..did this to me?"

He burries his head in his hands, I wonder why.

"Unfortunately I do. ", he looks up at me," he's my brohter"

My mouth falls open. They can't be brothers, it just can't! Why did I ever give in to this conversation crime?

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