Chapter 4: WHUT??

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I pear into his eyes. I really can't get a read on this guy. Please tell me, I beg in mind, please do tell me.

"Listen Lena, if I tell you why you are will panic", he sighs,"But you don't need to fear, 'cause now you know me you have protection"

"Against your brother?"

"Especially my brother"

He jump on his legs again a low grunt escaping his mouth as he hits the wall with his fists.

"I'm gonna kill him for bringing a 16-year old here! That bastard!"

Alright...I'm I the only who's lost? He' s raging on about his brother but he won't tell me why. I stand up and walk over to him. I really want to know what he's hiding from me.

"Why would you want to kill your own brother? No matter what I think of him, he's still your brother"

I jump back when his fist hits the wall so hard that the floor shakes. It feel myself shaking and breathing is starting to get tough. My neck stings as I try to breath and calm myself down.

"Shit, you're trembling...."

I pull away as he comes closer to me. I don't want him anyway near me, and I certainly don't want him touching me.

"Lena, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"Stay away from me!"

" need to be scared I just..."


BAM! We both look up startled as the doors swings open.

"Well Well Damien, did you patch her up?"

Good god that voice sends ice cold shivers down my spine. Why does he need to come here now?

"I need to talk to you", Damien growled, "Let's go outside"

"I don't need to hide anything from her, Damien, do you?"

Damien obviously didn't like the sly smile on Zane's face.

Zane walked over to me and I feel myself shrinking again. Guess I better keep my mouth shut now.

"Not happy to see me pumpkin? "

I flich as he strokes my arm.

"Don't touch her!"

Zane turns his attention to Damien.

"Do you forbid me to touch what's mine, dearest brother?"

"I'm forbiding you to touch a 16-year old girl"

Zane raises an eyebrow, the devislish smirk still on his face.

"Ooh she's 16 is she?"

"Don't act like you didn't knew", Damien breases taking a step forward.

Zane laughs and pulls up his shoulders.

"And If she were....what would be the problem? Her body is biologically perfect, she's well fit..."


"She can handle it, her body is made to do it"

AAAAARGGH! I can't stand it any longer. They are talking as if I'm not there! I need to know what I'm fit for....I need to know what they want from me.

"I'm fit for?", I interrupted.

I feel two pairs of eyes piercing themselves into my face; suddenly feeling regret of asking my question.


"Don't tell her!"

For heavens sake, shut up Damien! I need to know! I have the right to know.

"A lady asked me a question and I, as a gentleman, are obliged to answer her question", Zane smirks.

"Don't you dare tell her Zane, she should't be here. She should be home, having sleepovers with friends, kissing boys, fighting with her parents....", he defended, "I won't let you ruin her life!"

Electricity is in the air. I can see Damien's muscle tense, ready to strike his brother.

"I will tell her if I want to"

"You can't ruin the life of such little girl"

"I'm her master now and I decide what I do with her"

"You can't just control her life!"



Both boys look at me, kinda shocked to hear me yell. I breath heavily, feeling anger boiling up in my body.

"Stop talking as if I'm not in the room! I have a right to know why I am here!"

Voila, we stated our mind. Now let's see what they'll do.


"Don't Damien! Don't try to control my life, 'cause even when I'm locked up I still control my own life. And right now I want to know what I'm doing here.....Why you pulled me away from my home..."

Damien's expression is tottaly blank, there is no emotion on his face what so ever. He just stares at me his eyes like those of a mousse and his complexion rather pale.

"Do you really want to know, my sweet?", Zane smirks.

I nod. I do wanna know, although I might regret it afterwards.

"Well congratulations!  I chose you to carry my babies", he smiles.


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