Chapter 8: plans

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"that son of a..."

Dear god he's so angry. Did he hear anything we said....about the love and me and... Is that why he is this angry.

"I swear I'm going to kill that bastard.."

Laurens doesn't seem to know how to react, just like me.  Damien's eyes are wild and his body tense, it's scaring the crap out of me.

"Relax Damien, try to breath and calm down"

Laurens walks over to him, but Damien pushes him away roughly.

"How can you tell me to calm down? If you'd have heard the plans that sick bastard has fo..."

"Damien! Calm down....for her sake"

I feel both their eyes locking on my face, but I can't turn my eyes away.

"Look at her Damien. She needs some friendship and help, not more hate around her"

Damien's body language changes and his eyes go soft...because of me? Dang, he's walking over to me...what should I do? Calm Lena, just keep your cool. Dear lord, how can I stay cool when he kneels at my feet like this?

"Are you alright? Slept well?"

I just nod in response. I'm afraid to open my mouth and say something stupid to him.

"Did you like the food? Was it to your taste?"

I nod again. I just can't talk to him, like I just did with Laurens.

"Lost your tongue again I see"

His smile is so soft, like he wants to cheer me up or something.

"No....I just don't feel like talking"

"That's alright, there's no need to. Laurens, can I have a word with you, outside?"


And so they leave me, all by myself. I feel so useless. I can't just sit around people and let others do all the work. C'mon Lena, get yourself to work.


"What did he say?"

"He's planning to take her by force, wether she likes it or not. He's hoping to concieve 5 babies before her twenties"

"Has he lost it?!"

"Keep your voice down please"

"Sorry....he can't be serious about that plan. She's a human being, not a breeding bunny"

Damien took a seat on the floor.

"I'm afraid he does. You know Zane, once he's set his mind on something..."

"There's no stopping him", Laurens finished the sentence while talking a seat next to Damien.

"We need to hel her, Laurens. She's so young, she has all her life in front of her. She shouldn't be trapped like this"

"I know, but how can we possibly battle Zane? You know how powerful he is"

Damien kept silent. He know that Laurens was right. But he could not give up. He promised her that she would be safe and he was planning to go to any limit to do so.


Voila! That's work well done.

I've cleaned up the entire table and I did the dishes....yes I'm rather proud of myself.

Don't know if Damien will appreciate it though. Klik!

Guess I'll find out rather soon.

"Lena, are"

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