xxvii. her home

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"So, McKinley's Glee Club is shut down for the entire year, and you can't use the choir room just because you guys got disqualified at Sectionals? That's unfair!"

Aimeé and Blaine were in Dalton's cafe having coffee. Blaine went to Westerville to visit Dalton Academy, surprising Aimeé, and was amused how she was taking the news of the New Directions' consequences of their disqualification at Sectionals.

"Don't smile as if this doesn't affect you, Anderson! This is serious!" Aimeé scolded Blaine, who shrugged carelessly. "What happened to you guys was bad luck."

Blaine sighed sadly. "It's upsetting we were disqualified, but it happened. There's nothing we can do about it now." he told her

"How's Marley?" Aimeé asked, worriedly.

"Before Sectionals, she's been nervous and hadn't been eating and sleeping well, but she's fine now." Blaine assured her and took a sip from his medium drip. "Artie and Tina blamed her for our disqualification."

Aimeé frowned slightly. "So, what are you doing now that the club disbanded?" she asked, curiously.

Blaine looked away shyly. "It's kinda embarrassing to say." he said.

Aimeé quirked an eyebrow. "It couldn't be that bad." she said and took a sip from her caramel latte.

"I joined the Cheerios." Blaine told her.

Aimeé froze as her eyes widened in shock. "What?!" she exclaimed and faked a cough. "It's not that bad."

Blaine rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Great reaction, though."

Aimeé refrained herself from laughing. "Of all the clubs and sports in McKinley, why cheerleading?" she asked.

"Well, that's news."

Aimeé didn't have to turn to know who sat beside her as Blaine looked and saw Sebastian laughing in amusement at him.

Blaine glared at the two Warblers. "Are you two making fun of me?" he asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Blaine, but it's funny. I mean, the coach of the Cheerios is New Directions' arch nemesis and I can't believe you joined your enemy's club." Aimeé explained and burst out laughing.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "It's true, Blaine. It is funny. Couldn't imagine you did that." he added.

Blaine sighed heavily. "Well, after the glee club got disband, I need to have a purpose in school if I want my senior year to be worth it." he explained.

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