Chapter 11 - Warriors

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 Going home had been harder than I thought it would be. Seeing Dad's car in the driveway, and the spot where he would always sit on the couch, it was just a painful reminder that I would never see him again. All of the things he used to do, he couldn't do them anymore. 

 There is no more practicing boxing with him at the gym. No more of him trying to help me with dinner no matter how many times I tell him I can do it myself. No more of him trying to be funny with his dry sense of humor. I wish I'd laughed at his jokes more. If only I'd known he'd never make them again. 

 Melanie's sister had come to pick her up from the school. A part of me had wanted her to come home with us, but I know that Eric and I need some time to mourn on our own. The pain that we feel from losing a third member of our family is far different than what Melanie is feeling. That doesn't mean that she isn't hurting any less than us, because I know that's not true. It's just, losing your parents kind of hits you sideways instead of head on. 

 Stiles offered to come over and spend the night again. I wanted him to, I really did, but I needed to just be with my brother. He knows that he wasn't there for me when Mom and Zoe died, and he knows that this time he has to be. I need him just as much as he needs me. The only way we are ever going to get through this is together.

 Eric and I had fallen asleep on the couch together. I don't really remember drifting off. I think I just cried until I had nothing left and my body just shut down. Last night all I felt was despair. It was like my entire soul had been encased in a never ending sadness. But, when I woke up this morning, something else had taken over.

 I wasn't sad or broken; I was angry. Every emotion I had been feeling was replaced with a burning anger and a sense of determination. The injuries on Dad had been the same as the other three victims, which means that this killer has now taken two loved ones from me. That isn't going to go unavenged. I'm going to figure out who's doing this, and I don't care what it takes, I'm going to kill them. If I die trying, then so be it. I won't go down without a fight.

 However, I know I can't do this on my own. If I want to figure out who or what is doing this, I'm going to need someone with even more knowledge than myself. Someone who may have dealt with this kind of thing before.

 The bell dinged as I opened up the door to the Animal Clinic. The sounds of dogs barking carried from the back where they are kept. I walked in slowly, looking around to see if he was here. The sign on the door did say Open

 "Emma," said Deaton, coming in from the examination room. I jumped slightly. "I figured you'd be stopping by sooner or later. Why don't you come on back,"

 I sucked in a breath and nodded, following him back to where he had come out from. My heart leaped when I saw that someone else was here too. I should have expected as much from him, as curious as he is.

 "Stiles?" I said, walking over to my boyfriend and letting him wrap me in a brief hug. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

 The administration had granted me today off as a 'sick day' to recover from all that happened yesterday. I guess seeing your father's dead body on school grounds is reason for an excused absence. 

 "Free period," he said and I nodded. Seeing him is helping reign in the wide range of emotions I'm beginning to feel again.

 "I know you're both here for answers," said Deaton, causing Stiles and I to turn our attention to him. 

 "I want to know who killed my friend and father," I said. 

 Deaton's eyes showed signs of pity. I don't want him to feel bad for me, that's not what I need. What I need is for him to tell us anything he knows that might help us stop anyone else from being killed or sacrificed or whatever the hell is happening.

Oblivion (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfiction) [3]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant