Author's Note

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 Well guys, this is really it. This is the end of my series. 

I’ve known for a while that I didn’t want to write season 4. I’m starting college and between softball, a double major, honors classes, and maintaining a social life, I’m just not going to have time to commit to another book. Besides, I’m starting a new chapter of my own life, and it’s time for me to move on.

You guys have no idea how hard this was for me. I’ve been planning this out for the past six months and I even lost sleep over it. I thought about it way more than is probably healthy. To top it off, I had to keep it a secret. Every comment about season 4 I just had to ignore when all I wanted to do was shout my plans from the top of a building.

That's why major props are given to Tara (effulgent_) who's been like my therapist through this whole thing. I had to tell someone before I exploded, and who better than my main homegirl? We talked about this a lot, and she helped me feel better about the whole thing.

I’ve been with Emma for an entire year, and I truly feel like she is part of me. This felt like the only proper way to say goodbye to that part of myself. I have to let her go, and that’s a lot harder than you think it would be.

I considered all the options, having her leave with Eric like he suggested, or maybe just not even really giving it a reason to end at all and leaving everyone happy. But I know Emma, and I know that she could never just up and leave all of her friends behind, especially Stiles. Throughout this entire series Emma has always felt responsible for the bad things. She blamed herself because she was supposed to be the one to help people, to heal and protect them and give them information. 

She blamed herself for Allison's death more than anything. She kept telling herself, what if I hadn't stopped? What if I hadn't chosen Stiles over the rest of my pack? Would Allison still be alive? Could I have saved her? That's why, in the end, she made the sacrifice that she did. 

I've killed off characters before, you guys obviously know that (sorry Daddy B), but this was nothing like I've ever done before. I didn't realize how attached I was to Emma until I had to find a way to let her go. Not only that, but I had to do it in a way that meant something. I had to give her a justifiable death because she deserved one, and I can only hope that I accomplished just that.

Let it be known that this is not goodbye, at least for now anyways. I am not leaving Wattpad. I'm merely taking a step back. At this point in time, I need to focus on my life in front of me. 

So, thank you all so much for taking this crazy journey with me and continuing to put up with my constant torture. All of your support means the absolute world to me, and you all truly inspire me to continue writing. I love you guys so much.



(PS): There's a chance I may post a series of Stemma one-shots in the future, but don't get your hopes up ;)

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