Chapter 42 - Shock

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 School was the last place I wanted to be right now. I should be at the hospital with Stiles, making sure everything is okay. But, big brother Eric vetoed that and said I needed to go to school. I may be here physically, but my mind has been somewhere else all day. 

 Everything felt so empty without Stiles here. I didn't have anyone to walk me to my classes or turn around and whisper to me when lectures got too boring. I couldn't even text him because he's supposed to be on bed rest, which means no phones allowed. I never realized how much he's a part of my daily routine until he was no longer in it.

 At least I have Scott and Lydia here, whom I'm standing with at Scott's locker as he pulls out a Pre-Calc textbook. I stood with my shoulder leaned against the locker, Lydia standing with her back against them next to me. I was looking down, staring at the bracelet on my wrist, the one Stiles had given me. 

 A locker door just a few down from where we were standing slammed shut, and Lydia jumping at the sound caused my eyes to flicker up. She's been acting strange like this ever since last night, but she won't admit that something's wrong.

 "Are you okay?" Scott asked her. 

 "Yeah," she said slowly. Her eyes were wide as they glanced around the hallway. "Just a little hypersensitive to loud sounds today,"

 Another locker door slammed shut and her shoulders tightened together, lurching upward at the sound. Scott and I glanced at each other, but my eyes fell back down to the ground as he began talking about Stiles.

 "They're doing tests on Stiles all afternoon," he said. "Emma and I are going there around six to visit. Did you wanna come with us?"

 Lydia didn't even look up at Scott when he asked. Her face was a pale white and her eyelids kept fluttering. "I should probably just go home," she said. There was another locker closing shut, one I barely even heard, but Lydia's head shot up at the noise. 

 "Lydia, are you sure you're okay?" I asked her, my voice soft and on the verge of cracking. 

 She looked at me with wide eyes, wearing an expression that made my question feel completely ludicrous. "Yeah," she said, turning to walk away. "I'll text you guys later,"

 I sighed and leaned my head back against the row of lockers. There is just so much going on. I wish I could just pause it all somehow and allow myself to catch up, instead of feeling like I'm constantly drowning in all of these problems. 

 "Emma," said Scott. "Are you okay?"

 I turned my head to look at him, keeping my eyes wide and not daring to blink. If I did so a tear would surely fall and I can't keep allowing myself to cry. I have to find a way to be strong even if I don't feel that way. 

 "I don't really know anymore," I said, honestly. "I mean this is - this is Stiles, you know?

 "Yeah, yeah I know," said Scott, nodding his head. He placed a hand over my back to usher me down the hall. "Come on,"

 I used to think that losing people happened quickly, like with Dad and Heather. I never saw it coming. One moment they were there, and the next they weren't. I was so wrong. I feel like I'm losing Stiles, but not just one quick snap and poof he's gone. No, I'm losing him slowly, watching him drift away from me piece by piece. It hurts more this way. It's nothing like ripping off a band aid. 

 I just wish it was.


Oblivion (A Stiles Stilinski/Teen Wolf Fanfiction) [3]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora